Category Archives: Testimony

There Are No Hopeless Conditions

Lately, I’ve heard too many stories about people ready to make their transition. In most cases, a crippling or fatal disease is involved. In other cases it’s the (seeming) decline of an aging body. For those who are tempted to throw in the towel, I hope you find inspiration from this excerpt of The Finished Kingdom by Lillian DeWaters.

A friend from North Carolina writes, that after years of both mental and bodily suffering from troubles for which there seemed to be no relief, “death, that great nightmare of the phantom world,” came to claim him. At that moment he was suddenly lifted into the plane above and recognized the nothingness of death. Directly over the head of his bed rested a great halo of a billiant, soft light, brighter than any electric light that he had ever beheld.

He declares there was spiritual or supernal force in the room that was irresistible, drawing him up and on, and making clear to him that, in reality, he had never been sick; that he lived, moved and had his being in God’s kingdom right here and now; that this is Life’s glorious city of New Jerusalem. The room seemed filled with the “water of Life” flowing in every direction and filling his consciousness with divine joy and inspiration. Then, the vision ceased; he opened his eyes, knew that he was healed, and arose from what had seemed his death-bed – whole. He declared that for days afterward, he felt as though he were walking on air, he seemed so light and free and glorious.

Many days of seemingly hopeless contemplations of Truth preceded this wonderful experience. Yet, as the story proves, those contemplations were not in vain.

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Wonderful Things Are Happening!


Below are two e-mails I received from a reader of Absolutely Yours who lives in the United Kingdom. Let’s call him Ahmed.

[First Communication]

Hi Allen,

I understand that I haven’t yet experienced illumination, but how come, then, I can demonstrate many things?

For example: Last Friday I needed to get to a gathering and I was running late, I placed my attention on Omnipresence and out of the blue, a friend, who I thought was already at the meeting place, offered to give me a lift (he changed his itinerary).

Also, I was at a supermarket. I needed mackerel. There was none there. I went back to the car and then asked my wife: isn’t God the only Presence? I immediately went back in the supermarket and asked a lady who worked there and she pointed me to the item in the very place I had looked but a moment before.

[Second Communication]

I feel I have to share this with you. I am buzzing!

Wonderful things are happening to me in the form of demonstrations; especially with “Presence”. This word is doing wonders for me! Just half an hour or so ago I was stranded at a lay-by where there is no pavement for pedestrians. I needed to get home. I rang a couple of taxis but “you have to give us an exact address otherwise we can’t get to you”. I was panicking but then I was so relieved when I thought of “Presence”. Then I said: “I am not even gonna say anything. I just know that God is the only Presence. Can God be stranded?”. Two minutes later, a van dropped a workman right next to me and I asked him for a lift to my house. Without hesitation, he said: “Yeah ‘course jump in mate”.

I know it’s not extraordinary to give someone a lift but what caused that van to drop that chap right at my feet when I needed a lift the most?

I got home and opened my laptop to tell you about it. I am sooo happy.

I am now wondering what illumination is like. I am already buzzing! as we say in England.

GIST: I haven’t experienced Illumination, and I don’t Self-Question; yet wonderful things happen.

QUESTION: Why can I demonstrate these things without Illumination and Questioning?

An Often Ignored Aspect Of Illumination

I love when readers reach out with an email asking for clarification about something I’ve written. You too have probably thought, “This Allen guy keeps playing the same tune over and over – Self-Questioning and Illumination – but I’m experiencing so much good stuff without it.”

Read my posts carefully, and you’ll see that I do stress visual Illumination. However, visual Illumination is just one aspect of Total Illumination. There’s aural Illumination and many others. One overlooked aspect of Illumination is Spiritual Conviction. Spiritual Conviction is more than blind faith. It brushes aside the seeming and locks in on what IS. There is no effort involved. It’s automatic and it’s spontaneous.

Spiritual Conviction does not try to change a situation from bad to better. It knows, no matter what the seeming, only God is present. Watch how this plays out in Ahmed’s experience.

Spiritual Conviction In Day-To-Day Living

In the first instance, those phantasms – time and space – teamed up to suggest that he was “running late.” Totally ignoring both impositions, Ahmed turned his attention to the FACT of timeless, spaceless Omnipresence. Because of his Spiritual Conviction, the action of turning his attention was automatic. The ride, collapsing both time and space, was incidental to his Spiritual Conviction.

In the second instance, the illusion of absence (mackerel) reared its illusory head. But did it derail Ahmed? No. He said to his wife, “Isn’t God Omnipresent?” Effortlessly, Spiritual Conviction kicked in, and Ahmed knew that God, the All, could not be absent from Itself. Therefore, there could be no absence in the universe. Again, the found mackerel was incidental to his Spiritual Conviction.

When Conviction Is Not Enough

Does Ahmed’s experience invalidate Self-Questioning and Illumination? You know better. Haven’t you, like many of us, had times when Spiritual Conviction was not enough? Usually this is the case with the body and money.

Despite your conviction of God’s Allness, the pain persisted, the swelling increased, the fever lingered, the tumor grew. The days turned to weeks, and the weeks turned to months, yet things didn’t get better.

This is the wonderful opportunity to appreciate what Self-Questioning has to offer. Just a simple question like, “What more do I need to know?” will do the trick, providing you listen for the answer . More on Self-Questioning can be found in the first chapter of my book God is All . Self-Questioning triggers greater Realization of God’s Allness. For example, in Ahmed’s first example, a greater Realization of Omnipresence would’ve taken time and space completely out of the picture. I mean being there without going there. It has happened for a few enlightened individuals.

Seeing What You’re Saying

About Illumination: I do stress visual Illumination, and here’s why. Visual Illumination is seeing this universe as it is. We say God is Spirit and God is All, and all the while we keep looking at a material world loaded with material objects. This is a dualism. An experience of Illumination, no matter how fleeting, obliterates this dualism by seeing the world as Spiritual Substance.

Imagine sitting on your living room sofa. In front of you is a marble coffee table. To your left is a grand piano. Chairs flank the sofa, and artwork hangs in gold frames on the walls. It’s a typical day. Suddenly, the room is flooded with light. All the furniture is there, but the wood, metal and marble are not. In their place is pure Light. This is Illumination. “God is Light.” What’s the benefit? You’ll never again be deceived by the appearance of a material universe. Nor will you consent to material restrictions.

Again, I stress Illumination (particularly visual) because only in Illumination is your seeing and your saying in one accord.

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Don’t Be Surprised If A Practitioner Tells You This


A woman suffered for many years with an unnamed chronic disease. She tried many practitioners and none were able to help her.

Finally, at the recommendation of a friend, she called another practitioner. The woman poured out her story of suffering, and how no one was able to heal her. Every now and again, the practitioner spoke a word of Truth to the woman. No matter what the practitioner said, the woman responded, “Yes, I know that.”

Exasperated, the Practitioner said, “Well, then, I guess you know that you can’t be healed.” The woman gasped, “I can’t be healed. What do you mean?” The practitioner explained, “If you already know that God is all, and beside God there is nothing else, and, if you already know that you and God are one, you have to know that you can’t be healed because you were never sick.” Suddenly, the Light of understanding flicked on, and almost instantly, her troubles were gone.

  • Isn’t it great to know that you can’t be healed because you aren’t sick? And you can’t be sick because God is All.
  • Isn’t it great to know that you don’t need a financial miracle because you can never be in need? God’s Infinite, Abundant Substance is always present right where you are.
  • Isn’t it wonderful to know that you can’t improve yourself because you were never flawed in any way? God’s Allness is all there is of you.

This brief post is just to remind you of what you already know to be true. God is All, and All is always well.


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A Tip For Better Performances


The Day Honey Came To Class

Honey (not her real name) maintains this tip changed her life. I can’t vouch for that, but what I do know is that when I met Honey, she was a part-time blues singer and a full-time government worker. Now, she is a much in-demand blues singer, and that takes all her time.

I met Honey when she attended a class I was teaching. Somehow we got off course and started talking about performing – a subject I know a lot about. As a child and teen, I enjoyed showing my skills at the piano. The years went by, and stepping into adulthood I also stepped into a fear of performing.

Eliminate This Duality and Enhance Every Performance

As a child, I rightly imagined people were impressed with my skills. Later, my perception flipped and I imagined that every time I sat down to play, people were looking for finger and memory slips and interpretive bungling. You see, reader, I was functioning from a false duality – (1) me and (2) the audience.

Once I caught the duality, everything changed. What I learned and shared with Honey, I keep in mind before every speaking engagement, and every piano performance.

Sometimes Talent Is Not Enough

Before I tell you the “secret,” let’s go to a concert. You’ve been there. You’ve seen some performances that grabbed you and wouldn’t let you go for weeks. And, you’ve also seen some performances you forgot before the curtain closed. For some reason you and the performer did not connect. What separates a good performer from a great one is connectability (not in dictionary).

I remember listening to a young girl play in a recital. Her fingers flew up and down the keyboard. She hit all the right notes. It was a dazzling display of virtuosity. Later her teacher asked a friend what he thought. “Unless she connects with the music, and then connects with the audience, she can forget a career.” Technically, this young lady improved by the hour, or so it seemed, but she couldn’t win first prize in any competition. Why? Because she didn’t connect.

It’s Better Than Connecting With An Audience

I’m writing this post for professional and lay speakers, musicians, and other public performers. Here’s the “secret” I shared with Honey. “When you go on stage, look around at the audience and know I AND THE AUDIENCE ARE ONE INSEPARABLE MIND, LIFE AND PRESENCE.” I call it hugging them with Truth. Better than connecting is the acknowledgment of ONENESS.

You can take this one step further by looking around and knowing that “Right here is one Indivisible presence and I am It.” This not only includes the audience, but the walls, floor, chairs and all.

Before your next performance, try it! It works!


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Try This Contemplation Pt. 2


Acknowledging God’s Omnipresent Perfection All Day Long

You’ve read the previous post, and you’ve contemplated the suggested idea for seven days. In this post, we are going to take that same idea, as promised, out of your seat and into the streets.

Many people say they have such great morning (or night) contemplations, yet when their day gets started, it’s as if God is omniabsent. My question is this: Are you acknowledging God’s Omnipresent Perfection throughout the day? That’s what this post is all about.

When you leave your home and look around you, it appears as though you see many things, and many identities. All of them seem separate and apart from you, and apart from each other. It’s a lie, but you are not deceived by this lie. You know that there is one Infinite, indivisible Presence and Power, and you are It.

Out Of The Seat, And Into The Street

Reader, here is last week’s contemplation taken into your daily living. Every now and then, while you are out and about, simply acknowledge RIGHT HERE IS ONE INFINITE, INDIVISIBLE PRESENCE AND I AM IT.

Doing this draws your attention to the Truth of Oneness. However, the power is in that last phrase, “and I am It.” Here you are acknowledging that you are the Infinite, Indivisible Presence that is the entirety of your world right where you are. You are acknowledging your inseparability from the people and things you see in your world – that you (God) are the Substance of that which you see.

If you are wondering when to acknowledge the above Truth, here are a few suggestions:

  • During a first date
  • During an office or conference meeting
  • Walking along a beach, or in a park
  • Shopping
  • Standing in line anywhere
  • Visiting a friend or family member
  • Watching a performer during a concert
  • Disciplining a child
  • Interacting with a cashier or bank teller*
  • During a traffic stop (by police officer)

These are just a few suggested ways, but I’m sure you will discover many more. Put your heart into this exercise. You will thrill with this new view of your world, and your Self.

* Just the other day, before this blog post was complete, I had an encounter with a grumpy cashier at the grocery store. I didn’t let this appearance deceive me. I looked in her face and said to myself, “Right Here Is One Infinite, Indivisible Presence and I Am It.” Instantly, her demeanor changed. She smiled, held a brief conversation, and wished me a good day.

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Our Readers Write

handwritten letter

Below are two recent communications I have received. I thought they were worth sharing with you. Please feel free to share a testimony that with our readers.

Letter of Thanks

Loved your recent post Allen….as always. Just want to say that…though I experience “falls” much more often then you do…I have had very similar experiences in the way you describe here.( I’m into the term – feeling of Illumined Awareness rather then Mind). Its sooooo liberating. So just want to say thank you for your sharing because hearing you speak it somehow adds an even greater Flavor and Quickening of Understanding and Trust to it for me. Thanks as always. Love to you Friend.

A Testimony

Dear Allen,
Gratefully I am feeling well. Take care of my own affairs. I have a reliable Jeep Liberty and go to town however many times necessary. I am 5 miles from Payson. My home is in the forest of Ponderosa Pines —secluded and private — but not isolated.

First, every morning long moments of stillness, peace, and “listening.” I don’t begin the day without this quiet time.

I will share with you an experience last week. I walked directly into a low-hanging tree branch, and a short, sharp end of the branch went into my eye. Immediately I went into the house; sat down and assured myself “nothing is wrong with me.” That was the end of the discomfort, and the balance of the day I drove to town, did the errands, came home. Everything was good.

I do appreciate the fine posts you send; they certainly help me to maintain. I still enjoy the cassette tape about living a life of ease … it’s a masterpiece.

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