Monthly Archives: April 2019

Effortless Prayer

Allen, I read and enjoy your blog. My problem is that when I sit down to pray or contemplate, it always seems to be a struggle. After a while, I just give up. Any suggestions?

Struggle and effort should never be mentioned in the same sentence with prayer. Prayer, true prayer, is a peace-filled and joyous adventure. When effort and tension start prowling around the “prayer closet,” something is off. And usually, it’s the focus.

In most cases, effort shows up when the prayer focus is on getting or getting rid of something. Usually it’s an emergency or troubling situation where a quick resolution is wanted. Nothing good will come out of such praying or contemplating. It can’t.

Think about it. If what drives you to pray (and I use that term interchangeably with meditate or contemplate) is the problem, your attention is on the problem. Your attention is on the very thing that seems to be making you anxious and fearful. What can you expect but more anxiety and more struggle? For all that effort, you might as well stop praying and go lift a set of eighty-pound dumbbells.

Remember the Golden Rule of Prayer: Start with God, stay with God and end with God. Proper prayer is God Realization. The intent is God Realization and the result is God Realization. The absolute truth is that prayer hasn’t actually started until the moment of Realization.

If you find yourself restless at the outset of prayer, examine your motive. Ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” If your honest answer is, “I’m praying to get or fix something,” get up and do something else. Come back when your motive is purely for God (Self) realization.

Reader, have you ever sunk into the cozy comfort of an overstuffed armchair? That’s what it feels like when prayer starts with a right motive.

But, what if you can’t settle into prayer? What if the pain is so bad, or the condition so overwhelming that you can’t shake the struggle? YOU CAN! You are constituted that way. Remember, your Identity is God-Identified. Using the Sit and Repeat Method, you are going to get back to true prayer.

First, establish your motive – the joy of God Realization. When you sit down to pray, as soon as you feel anxious, get up. Do anything enjoyable. Ten minutes or so later, sit down to pray again. At the first sign of a struggle, again get up. Repeat this cycle until you can sink into the Realization of God’s Allness. You will, and you will on the very same day you try this method.

Notice, I have not addressed the problem that seemed to alarm you. That’s because once you are aware that God is All, the seeming problem will no longer be a concern. Why should it? You’ve already discovered that right there where the problem seemed to be, GOD IS.

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The Truth About Healthy Eating?


  • Broccoli
  • Blackberries
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Garlic
  • Tomatoes
  • Salmon
  • Whole Wheat Bread

plus 93 others in the list of Time Magazine’s 100 Healthiest Foods. I rifled through the pages to see if a McDonald’s Fish Fillet was on the list. It wasn’t. These 100 foods are supposed to keep your body brimming with health and vitality.

I Have Some Questions For You

There are a lot of questions in this post, so let’s get to them. Do some foods promote good health? How did you answer that one? Here’s another question. If you believe that God is the only Presence, can you believe that some foods promote health? Before you commit to an answer, here’s one more question. Would a carrot, or a handful of blackberries make a changeless God more Godly? I have every confidence that you immediately answered, “Allen, of course not. There is no thing that affects God in any way.”

What about your Body? Does food affect it in any way? Can food enhance your Body’s health? Don’t try to be “nutritionally correct.” Answer from your heart.

You read this blog because you agree that God is the only Presence, and because you do, you might find these next questions too easy. What is “your” Body made of? What is the Substance of your Body? Yes, God is the Substance of your Body. A micro-lesson in holiday baking is in order here.

God Is The Dough Of The Universe

Did anyone in your home make cut-out holiday cookies during the Christmas season? Reindeer, bell, tree and Santa-shaped butter cookies, all with a hint of vanilla? The Santa cookie tasted just like the tree cookie. That’s no surprise, since they were all made from the same dough.

God is the dough of the universe. Everything is made from the Presence of God. As God is Light, Life, Spirit, Perfection, and Wholeness (Health), everything in existence is made of these qualities. Your Body is constituted of Light, Life, Spirit, Perfection, and Wholeness (Health). Yes, your Body is constituted of Health. So, how can some extra thing give your Body what it already is?

Everything is made of God – your Body and the food you eat. Constituted of the same “dough,” one cannot be beneficial or harmful to the other (especially when you consider that they are one indivisible presence). Read that last sentence again. It is the death knell to the illusion of food allergies. How can the Body be allergic to that which is constituted of the same Substance?

After an evening of Old Bay spiced steamed crabs and other seafood, Roland woke up one morning, swollen from face to foot. Alarmed, he went to his family doctor and discovered he was allergic to seafood, and one more seafood orgy could be fatal. “No way am I giving up crabs,” thought Roland. And, he didn’t.

Roland went on an inner quest to get spiritual answers. That’s when he discovered that his Body and seafood were comprised of the same Substance – God. That discovery ended his allergic reaction.

Do We Have To Eat At All?

By now you have to be asking if it is necessary to eat at all. Here’s the short answer. To the degree that you and I have a material sense of the Body, food will seem to be important to the Body. As we discover and embrace the God-nature of our Body, food will be less important. With this in mind, I offer one dietary suggestion: Make it your business to discover the Truth concerning your Body. You cannot read your way into this discovery. It must be Revelation.

Once you discover, to any degree, the God-nature of your Body, watch what happens. Your eating habits will effortlessly change. When and how much you eat will make a surprising change. Yes, what you eat will change too, but not for health reasons. After all, your Body is constituted of Health.

Here’s One Way I Put This Into Practice

Here’s one way I live this post. For the longest time I never said grace. It wreaked of dualism. Instead of a “grace” thanking a distant God for food, I now take a moment to acknowledge that the Substance of the food I’m about to eat is the One Substance. It is the same Substance that constitutes my Body.

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