Monthly Archives: August 2020

Don’t Fear The Pandemic — Or Anything


Masks Can’t Hide Their Joy

Churches are reopening in some parts of the United States. Like cold molasses, people are slowly dripping into their chosen churches. Even mask-covered faces can’t hide the joy of people reuniting with their church families.

It’s been slow. Each week one or two more people show up – at least at the church I pastor.

When my church decided to reopen, I suggested that we take a poll to see how many people were comfortable coming back. Enough replied, “I’m ready and I’m not afraid,” so we decided to reopen. But many – far too many – are afraid. One woman said, “I will support the church financially, but I’m scared. I won’t return until this thing is over.”

I commend the people who have honestly admitted, “I’m afraid.” Now, they can take the necessary steps to move out of that space.

Did The Fearful Admit This, Too?

There is something larger here than mere church attendance. Mind you, these are the same people who, for years, sat in church and mouthed the words, “God is the one Presence and Power – in, through and as all the universe.” I wonder if they have been equally honest with themselves and admitted, “Although I came to church every Sunday and affirmed God is the only Power, I must not know it. If I did, I wouldn’t be afraid?”

This is the kind of courage and honesty that is needed to move out of this seeming trench of fear. Be clear. Moving out is a must. One cannot allow themselves to stay in the mindset that something is going on other than God. Why? Because it’s a fictitious mindset.

How Long Are You Going To Loiter In Fear

No one can continue to read the books and listen to the lectures proclaiming God’s Allness and expect to experience this Truth as a practical reality if they allow themselves to loiter in fear. Fear is not a comfortable experience. Nothing unreal can ever be comfortable.

Reader, perhaps the coronavirus (or something else) has you cowering in fear. If that’s so, I have two questions for you. Are you going to linger in fear? Or, are you going to say to yourself, “I’m not willing to stay here. I believe in my heart that God is the only Presence and I’m going to dig deeper in silent prayer until I strike a clearer realization that God is All?”

It Starts With The Heart

People have said, “Allen, I’m afraid but I don’t want to be. How do I get out of this place?” Here’s a suggestion on how to proceed. First set your heart on knowing God’s Allness. It starts there. If your heart is not in it, nothing will come of it.

Then, in your quiet time, ask of your impersonal God Consciousness, “Is there another Presence and Power other than the Presence You are?” Listen. Listen expectantly. Listen intently. You will strike oil. The answer will be revealed. Your fearless Self will be revealed in all its resplendent magnificence.


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The Gospel Of Thomas Class Is Coming


Soon I will be offering a new class called The Gospel of Thomas – A Gospel of Practical Spirituality. I’m determining how to best present the class. The class will be either a teleconference class or delivered to you as weekly audio files.

Perhaps you attended one of my touring lectures on The Gospel of Thomas. Or, you purchased the 6-hour audio set. I promise there will be new information in the upcoming class. Since those earlier classes, greater insights have been revealed.

Concerning the fee, I’ll continue with my pricing method that seems to unsettle so many people. The class is not free, however there will be no set fee. You have the option of determining the value of the course and paying accordingly. Whenever possible I offer most of my seminars this way. I think it works best for all concerned.

If you are interested in this class, it would be good to purchase a copy of the book. I have several editions, but my favorite is published by Concord Press and edited by Raghavan Iyer. I prefer this edition because it’s not heavily annotated.

You will be hearing more from me concerning The Gospel of Thomas – A Gospel of Practical Spirituality – soon.

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God Is All — What Does That Mean?


The Million Dollar Question

“What does that mean – God is All? I say the words, but I honestly have no clue what they mean.” These are the words of a not-too-recent caller.

“I feel like I’m just saying words that I’ve read,” she continued. This caller was honest. It’s good to be honest. Many say all the right words but haven’t faced the fact that they are merely parroting words they’ve read and heard. Once this fact is faced, wonderful things happen.

First, you throw out all your stuff– your preconceived notions of those “right” words and phrases. In that seeming vacuum of unknowing, Light, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Knowledge flood your Consciousness.

Nothing Satisfies Like Truth Revealed In Consciousness

The Light has always been there. So has the Wisdom and Knowledge, but they were buried under a layer of learned words. The caller asked the question: What does God is All mean? Well, there’s a simple answer to that question: ONLY GOD IS. Dig deeper and you hit up against her real question: WHAT IS GOD?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? Did you answer it? Where did your answer come from? A book? A preacher? The Bible? Youtube? You deserve better. Nothing will satisfy like the answer revealed in “your” Consciousness.

Reader, you can know what God is. “You shall know the (this) truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The congregation of the Unity Church in Silver Spring is filled with PhDs. Repeatedly I’ve said to them that if people sought the answer to the God question with the same zeal, discipline, and dedication it took to get those degrees, they would be the happiest and most prosperous people in the world.

What Are You Going To Do About It?

Although you can know what God is, you may never be able to articulate it. As soon as you try, you’ll know that you’ve put a limit on the Unlimited. If you feel as this caller does, that you don’t know what God is, and you don’t know what God is All means, what are you going to do about it? Languish in ignorance?

No! That won’t satisfy. What will satisfy is discovering the answer via silent prayer and receptive listening.

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