Category Archives: Contemplation

How To Read A Truth Book — For Maximum Benefit

How Long Does It Take To Read A Truth Book?

Between the ages of 12 and 19, I devoured Truth books. If there is such a thing as Truth-book addiction, I was an addict.

Once I became a minister in the Unity Church, I noticed that most so-called Truth students were also addicts. Some had rooms dedicated to just Truth books. Some could glibly quote passages from Eddy, Fillmore, Goldsmith and the Brooks sisters. However, their lives weren’t matching their lips. For many years I asked, “How can this be?” Later, the question was answered. I made two discoveries:

  1. A Truth book, well read, may take a year or more to complete.
  2. One book well read is enough.

The Gift Of Love

Are you thinking, “Allen, what do you mean by well read?” A well-read Truth book is one that is lived as well as read. For example, let’s take this paragraph from Joel Goldsmith’s book, The Gift of Love.

“As we begin the practice of beholding the Christ in everyone we meet – in our household, our neighborhood, the market, the post office, the department store – the world will begin to present a different picture to us. People will act in a different way. The world will respond differently to us because the world will bring back to us what we have given to it.”

Getting More Out Of Your Reading

Even merely read, this excerpt lifts the heart. It opens your eyes to the possibility of living in a brand-new world of harmony and peace. But, until it is lived, all you have is fine-sounding theory. Is that all you want?

If you intend to get the most out of this passage, turning a mere eyes-read-the-words passage to a well-read passage, there’s more to do. What follows works for any Truth book.

First, ask yourself, “What does this passage promise me?” In the excerpt above, there are a few promises:

  • The world will begin to present a different picture to you (more magnificent).
  • People will act differently (more Godlike).
  • The world will respond differently (more favorable).

The second question spills out of the first: “Am I interested in experiencing these promises in my daily living?”

If you answered, “Yes,” to this question, the third question is crucial: “What must I do to experience these promises?” In this excerpt, the answer is clear and simple. You must behold the Christ in everyone you meet – all day, every day.

The final question is simply, “Am I willing to do what is required?”

From Reading To Living

Now that you’ve read the passage and answered the essential questions, it’s time to get on with the living. But don’t move too quickly. Contemplate the passage and consider all of its implications. A word or phrase may stick out that causes you to pause. In this instance that word could be “everyone.” Everyone includes the:

  • irritating co-worker
  • boy bullying your child
  • boss that denied your promotion
  • cheating spouse
  • booze-addled neighbor

You understand the implications and you’re off to a good start. After waking up in the morning, the first person you see is your teenage son. Today is different. This day you look beyond his adolescence and know that before you is the Presence of the living Christ (God Identified). Here is Infinite Goodness, alive in all its splendor and glory. Here is all-knowing Wisdom and Intelligence.

All day long, you do something similar with everyone you meet. As the hours hasten by, it becomes a game to you, and you feel great. You have a few slip-ups, but that’s okay. For the most part you remain on point.

After a few days, it starts getting stale. You feel like you are merely watching your thoughts and saying words. That’s the time to “up the game.” In your daily practice of “listening prayer,” you ask your God-Consciousness, “What more do I need to know in beholding the Christ?” You listen expectantly for an answer. Whatever is finally revealed, you start to implement right away.

Handling The Rough Patches

So far, you haven’t run into someone you resist beholding their Christ nature, but today it happens. You can’t do it. In times like these you remember, “Of myself, I can do nothing. It’s the Father within me that doeth the works.” The translation here is, “As a human being trying to behold the Christ of another human, I can’t do it. But as God-Identified, I can do as God does, know as God knows and perceive as God perceives. I yield completely to my God nature.”

After a few weeks of doing this, it seems as though you’re walking in Paradise. You are kinder and people are wonderful. Doors of opportunities fling wide open for you. It’s fantastic. Continuing on a few weeks more, beholding the Christ becomes your natural way of living.

This is just a single paragraph on page 3. There are one hundred and forty-seven more pages. If you never read another page, you have lived the main thrust of this book.

Some paragraphs in this book and other books are supporting passages. They explain and clarify the “doing” passages. These paragraphs are begging for prayerful contemplation. They point out something easily overlooked in casual reading.

Contemplation Reveals Overlooked Truths

Take for example this paragraph on page 4 of the same book:

“The person we meet today is presenting his Christhood for identification. He thinks he is presenting a sick body to be healed, a diseased mind to be set at peace, an empty purse to be filled, or morals to be cleansed.”

Prayerfully contemplating a passage like this reveals overlooked Truths. While contemplating the above passage a burst of light flashes in your awareness. You realize that when seemingly troubled people come to you, they don’t want you to sink into the quicksand of duality with them by giving human advice. They want you to look at them and know, “Right here is the living Perfection of God’s Presence. Right here is the living Light of the world.”

Consider all that you have read in this post and answer this question. How long would it take to read a hundred-page book, and read it well? It’s not the quantity of your reading. It’s the quality.

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The Real Reason You Pray

The audio excerpt is from my second book, Sounds of the Trumpet. One of my favorite chapters from this book is From Glory to Glory, and it is from this chapter that I am reading.

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Freedom From Illusions

Illustration and Painting

The Question

One of our subscribers asked this question:

What principle (example: Eternality, Health, Life, etc.) corresponds to freedom from illusions? Is Freedom one of the Universal Principles that we can contemplate as we would, say, Eternality?

The person who asked this should be applauded. It’s obvious, by the question, that he perceives the possibility of living an illusion-free lifestyle. Many people profess God is All. Yet, they seem to believe that life is chock full of unavoidable illusions and appearances with which one must contend. Let’s explore the answers to the question.

First and foremost, everyone must enjoy the freedom to contemplate any word or phrase they feel compelled to contemplate. As long as that word or phrase is in some way associated with God’s Allness, you have the green light. So, go for it.

Freedom Is A Tricky Word

However, there are some suggestions to consider. Look up the definition of the word freedom. Below are two of the definitions I found.

  1. “Absence of subjection to foreign domination”
  2. “State of not being imprisoned or enslaved”

Whatever dictionary you use will offer similar definitions. Look closely at the definitions above. Isn’t it clear that freedom presupposes a duality? The possibility of one being dominated or imprisoned by another implies more than one. It’s very likely that the contemplation of the word freedom will have you wandering up and down the back roads of dualism.

Contemplate This Instead

Take the idea: there is One Infinite, Indivisible Presence – God. Contemplate it. Know that this One includes, and is, your very Being. In such a contemplation, you’ll find no “other” to enslave the One. You’ll find no “other” subjecting the One to adversity or hardship. You will find that the One is free to be what it Is.

Confusion About Illusion — Is It Really There?

The question concerns freedom from illusions. What is an illusion? Webster’s Dictionary gives two pertinent definitions:

  1. “A thing wrongly perceived by the senses”
  2. “A misleading impression of reality”

These definitions say all that needs to be said about illusions. They state clearly that the illusion is not present. However, something is there.

If you mistake the fire hydrant in the distance for a dog, something is there – the fire hydrant. Seeing the dog is the fire hydrant wrongly perceived by the eyes. The fire hydrant is present. The illusion, the dog, is not present. That’s all you need to know about illusions and appearances. They are not present.

You know the Truth: God is All. Therefore, you know what is present, and that’s all you need to deal with. An illusion is an absence – a nothing. No one needs to be free of nothing.

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Try This For Your Best Year Yet


Move Beyond Resolutions For Your Best Year Ever

Did you make any resolutions for the new year? Why? What are you hoping to accomplish? A better you? A better life? Please answer these questions.

Everyone would like for this so-called new year to be popping with success. People are craving a new and improved life. Most are hoping that this is the year that all their dreams come true. But, reader, you know that as high as these hopes are at the beginning of the year, things usually don’t work out that way. For a lot of folk, the new year ends up a dead ringer for the old year.

In this post, I’m offering you a suggestion that, if followed, will yield greater benefits than all of your resolutions – even if stuck to.

Here is the suggestion.

Take your prayerful attention off of your problems – completely. Stop trying to use Truth (God) to fix the seeming broken places of your life. When you pray, (contemplate, or whatever name you call it,) stop trying to heal your body, repair your relationship, get something, or get rid of something. This includes even the hope that something good will result from your praying.

Instead, let your prayers be for the joy of knowing and experiencing God.

I don’t usually use the word “metaphysical” in these posts, but for the moment the word serves my purpose. Because it is above (meta) all so-called physical phenomena, the suggestion above is the most metaphysical practice there is. It is the only true spiritual practice.

Putting It Into Practice

You may be asking, “How do I put this into practice?” The simple answer is to examine your motive. Whenever you “pray,” ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” If it is to fix, heal, or get, know that your prayer is off track. Then, ask yourself this question: “Am I willing to do this just for the joy of knowing, experiencing and contemplating the nature of God?” If your answer is an unqualified “Yes,” then proceed with your praying.

If, however, your answer is “No,” ask yourself one more question: “Am I willing to do this just for the joy of knowing, experiencing and contemplating the nature of God?” Willing is the magic word. If you answer “Yes” to this question, proceed with your praying.

Dealing With That Pesky Little Voice

As you read this are you thinking, “Allen, I get it, but when I sit down to pray that way, this little voice says ‘You’re lying. You really want to get healed. You really want to change this situation. You are not really interested in God.’”

Continue with your praying. Don’t fight this “voice.” It really is nothing. Let it “speak” and proceed with your praying. Soon, two things will happen. First, that “voice” will no longer even whisper to you. Second, you will find joy, even ecstasy, in praying just for the joy of knowing, experiencing and considering the nature of God. Now, you are on track and “cooking with gas.”

Reader, enjoy the Infinite Goodness of God’s Presence as your very life and being. In the next post, I will explain why this works.

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Try This Contemplation Pt. 2


Acknowledging God’s Omnipresent Perfection All Day Long

You’ve read the previous post, and you’ve contemplated the suggested idea for seven days. In this post, we are going to take that same idea, as promised, out of your seat and into the streets.

Many people say they have such great morning (or night) contemplations, yet when their day gets started, it’s as if God is omniabsent. My question is this: Are you acknowledging God’s Omnipresent Perfection throughout the day? That’s what this post is all about.

When you leave your home and look around you, it appears as though you see many things, and many identities. All of them seem separate and apart from you, and apart from each other. It’s a lie, but you are not deceived by this lie. You know that there is one Infinite, indivisible Presence and Power, and you are It.

Out Of The Seat, And Into The Street

Reader, here is last week’s contemplation taken into your daily living. Every now and then, while you are out and about, simply acknowledge RIGHT HERE IS ONE INFINITE, INDIVISIBLE PRESENCE AND I AM IT.

Doing this draws your attention to the Truth of Oneness. However, the power is in that last phrase, “and I am It.” Here you are acknowledging that you are the Infinite, Indivisible Presence that is the entirety of your world right where you are. You are acknowledging your inseparability from the people and things you see in your world – that you (God) are the Substance of that which you see.

If you are wondering when to acknowledge the above Truth, here are a few suggestions:

  • During a first date
  • During an office or conference meeting
  • Walking along a beach, or in a park
  • Shopping
  • Standing in line anywhere
  • Visiting a friend or family member
  • Watching a performer during a concert
  • Disciplining a child
  • Interacting with a cashier or bank teller*
  • During a traffic stop (by police officer)

These are just a few suggested ways, but I’m sure you will discover many more. Put your heart into this exercise. You will thrill with this new view of your world, and your Self.

* Just the other day, before this blog post was complete, I had an encounter with a grumpy cashier at the grocery store. I didn’t let this appearance deceive me. I looked in her face and said to myself, “Right Here Is One Infinite, Indivisible Presence and I Am It.” Instantly, her demeanor changed. She smiled, held a brief conversation, and wished me a good day.

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Try This Contemplation For 7 Days


The Main Idea

There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.

For the next seven days, I am suggesting that you use the above statement as a springboard for your daily contemplation.  So that there is no confusion about the “how” of this contemplation, I am writing it out exactly the way I am suggesting that you contemplate it.  As follows:

There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.

Seeing The Main Idea From All Angles

Imagine going to a museum and gazing at a life-sized sculpture.  To take in the full beauty of the sculpture, you have to move around and look at it from many angles.  Similarly, this contemplation takes one spiritual idea that you consider from many “angles.” Instead of moving around a physical sculpture, you view the idea in many ways by emphasizing key words.

Note that all but two words are bolded. Each of your contemplation periods will consist of the main idea repeated slowly seven (7) times. On each repetition let your consciousness savor the bolded word.  You may be inspired to linger on that word a while. You may be inspired to rest in a moment of silence, after saying the word.

On some bolded words, you may linger even longer.  That’s okay. Although you are dealing only with one spiritual idea, each word that you dwell on is sure to reveal something new.

Give Up The Control

Once you’ve completed the seven (7) repetitions, be still and let Revelations flow within Consciousness.  Although I have given the above suggestions, the contemplation will start to have its own life.  When this happens, don’t try to control it.  It’s possible that you may not make it through the seven repetitions in one sitting.

Reader, after the seven days are over, please let me know how this went for you.  I look forward to hearing from you. In the next post, we will take this out of the seats and into the streets.

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Another I AM Contemplation


The Power of the Presence is the I that I AM.  The Presence of the Power is the I that I AM.  I am the indivisible, indwelling, all-dwelling, omnipotent Omnipresence.  I am the Love that is inseparable Oneness.  I am the Love that is Perfection, Peace, Joy and complete Harmony.  The Love that I AM is the Light that I AM.  The Light that I AM is the Love that I AM.  Omnipresent, omnipotent, omniactive Love is the I that I AM.

I know that I am All, complete within and as my infinite Self.  Being constantly, eternally complete, I am the Supply for every seeming need.  No matter whether this Supply is evidenced as the Presence of Love, Health, Home, Money or whatever, I AM AWARE OF BEING THE EVER PRESENT SUPPLY FOR ANY SEEMING NEED.   I know what I AM.  My perception of the complete Truth that I am this moment is the manifestation I know.  I am the evidence of the Truth I know.  The Presence of the I that I AM, knowing the Truth that I AM, is the manifestation of the Mind that I AM, knowing what I AM.

Beyond creed, beyond all limitations and restriction, I AM.  Beyond human motherhood, fatherhood, all relationship, I AM.  Beyond the pangs of birth and the pains of death, I AM.  Beyond grief, trouble, change, age, or deterioration, I AM.  Beyond all pain or suffering, I AM.  Beyond all the simulated distortions of an illusory world, I AM.  Beyond the human intellect with all of its delusions, I AM.  Beyond all conditions, or qualifications, I AM.  Beyond sorrow, doubt, frustration, fear of failure, I AM. All of this I AM for I AM THAT I AM. (by Marie Watts)

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Contemplation Matters For These Reasons


Contemplating At The Museum

Someone asked me, “Allen, what is contemplation?”

The sibling question is “Why contemplate?” If the reason for contemplation isn’t fully understood, the what’s and how’s don’t matter. Spiritual contemplation is a calm inner looking at the Allness of God. It is Mind (God) beholding Itself. Contemplation is similar to the quiet, often uplifting, viewing of a great piece of museum artwork.

You’ve, no doubt, been to a museum and gazed at a piece of artwork. You observed the sweep of the curves, the colors, and the shading. As you continued gazing at the picture, you thought about the images in the picture. You noticed things. Without any conscious effort, thought followed thought. You saw new things you didn’t see moments before. More thoughts flowed. This is contemplation.

Take note. You were not trying to get anything out of this contemplation. You were not using it for anything. Not once did you think, “When I’m through looking at this, I hope my life gets better.”

You didn’t try to control the experience, did you? Most likely, wherever your eyes landed on the canvas, you simply basked in the beauty. You did not try to control the experience. And you certainly didn’t try to change the artwork. You merely observed and enjoyed.

Contemplation’s River Of Ideas

This leads to the first point. Spiritual contemplation is a joy-filled experience. Spiritual contemplation is just “observing” the facts of God’s Allness – or some aspect of it. For example, you may find yourself contemplating the fact that, “I and the Father are one, and not two.”

As you “observe” this Truth, Consciousness reveals that there is no separation of time and space between you and God. The flow of ideas further reveals that there is no God and you. Ideas will continue to flow leading to the awareness that there is just I Am – no you, and no God. Somewhere in your “observation”, you will see that you are not a seeker of Truth, but Truth Itself. There is no such thing as what you should see in contemplation. There are no should’s in this observation. Ultimately, this experience is Mind beholding Itself, and its activity is Self-directed. It will always lead to a place of silence where there is knowing without the unnecessary weight of words.

When you gaze at a masterpiece, contemplating its beauty, what you see at one viewing will not be the same thing you see at another viewing. That’s how it is when you contemplate Truth. There’s always something new to see (perceive).

Spiritual Contemplation Brings Your Attention Back To What Is

Why contemplate? As mentioned in the “Prayer Project”, all day long you and I seem to see and sense things that are NOT the Allness of God. You may seem to see a fight in the workplace. You may seem to see a sick person, a homeless person, animal abuse. If you are a news watcher, there’s no telling what hellacious pictures you’ll see.

When we see these things we tend to think about them over and over again. This, too, is contemplation, but how does it make you feel to continually think – contemplate – these lies about the Allness of God? This kind of contemplation is the illusory activity of a mind that seems to exist but doesn’t.

Spiritual contemplation brings our attention back to what IS. It has to. It is ISNESS beholding Itself. When contemplation of God’s Allness is just a quiet consideration of Truth, your very soul smiles. You feel good.

Look Again – Things Aren’t What They Appear To Be

Contemplation is not an escape hatch from the seeming ugliness and messiness or daily living. And it’s a mistake to think that contemplation is impractical. Contemplation is the most practical thing you can do. Here are the benefits of contemplation:

  • Contemplation is effortless.
  • Contemplation is a hands-off affair.
  • Contemplation does not require mental or physical labor to be effective.

Right now you might be saying to yourself, “How is contemplation practical?” Do you remember when stereograms had their heyday? These are large pictures that look like small, misshapen blocks of color. At first glance, you think “Boring!” But the directions tell you to continue staring at the picture, and when you do, your eyes widen and your jaw drops. Now you see a beautiful landscape that rivals a masterpiece.

At first you only saw random chunks of color. You kept looking, and then you saw a magnificent landscape. The landscape was there all along, but you had to keep looking. No effort, no labor, and no planning were required of you to make that landscape. You just had to keep looking.

That’s how contemplation works. It’s all a matter of looking and seeing. Contemplation is Mind’s way of looking (seeing/perceiving) the world (Itself). Where the first glance seems to show a picture of lack and limitation, contemplation reveals a new picture of abundance and plenty.

Perhaps your Body seems to show a picture of weakness and disease. Contemplation of God’s Allness sharpens your view. Now you see (and experience) a Body brimming with health and vitality.

And no work was done. No getting in there to fix and repair. Thus we have a contemplative consideration of God’s Allness as All, revealing (showing forth) God to BE ALL.

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