Category Archives: Healing

Pain, Pain Go Away

“Lately, Allen, I’ve been in a lot of pain. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’m averaging a 20. If you were in my shoes, how would you deal with this spiritually?”

You Don’t Have To Put Up With Pain

Pain seems to be an invincible opponent. It even boasts the power to derail your best attempts to pray, leaving you spiritually defenseless – like a declawed cat fighting a rottweiler. I have experienced the kind of pain the reader mentions, and I assure you that you can eliminate this deceptive presence. Not merely cope with it, but completely eliminate it. It’s a challenge, but you can meet it.

The Holy Bible says, “With God all things are possible.” Here’s my paraphrase: With God’s Allness as your starting point, it’s possible to prove the nothingness of anything unlike God – even pain.

This Denial Did Work, … However

I started my journey to the Absolute, like many of our readers, by way of metaphysics – affirmations and denials. In my late teens I latched onto this denial “Pain, sickness, poverty, old age and death cannot master me, for they are not real.” Whenever I seemed to experience any type of body pain, I reached for that denial. Not because I expected it to work magic on the pain, but because I felt the statement was true. Pain is not real. It always worked … until it didn’t.

I Had To Do Something Different

One day I lay in bed curled up like a cocktail shrimp. The pain was at the 20-level. This went on for more than 24 hours. I repeated the denial over and over, but the pain didn’t subside. I knew more was needed.

Curled up in pain, I said, “Allen, God is all you have, so let’s resolve this.” I prayed, “God, it appears that I’m in great pain. My joints, even my organs hurt. Is this true? Am I really experiencing this pain?” I was not addressing a God outside of me, but rather the God of my Being. Essentially, I was talking to my Self.

I was so intent on knowing the answer to my question that I momentarily forgot about the pain. Throughout the night I questioned and listened. It seemed as though nothing was happening. Then, like a dark room that is suddenly flooded with sunlight, “my” Consciousness was flooded with Peace. I basked in it for as long as I could. As you’ve probably guessed, the pain was gone and never returned.

Do You Know What Pain Signifies?

Since then, I have experienced pain, but my attitude toward it has changed. For those of you who’ve read Marie Watts’ You Are the Splendor, I’m sure you remember the analogy of the dinner bell.

The dinner bell was once used to alert the household that dinner was ready. When the dinner bell rang, you stopped whatever you were doing and rushed to the dinner table. The dinner bell alerted you to a tasty meal. Once everyone was seated around the table, the bell stopped ringing. Its job was done.

Pain, like any problem, is not a bad thing. It’s the dinner bell that is alerting you to something wonderful – the Presence of God. No, God is not causing the pain, but the pain (like any other problem) signals there is a God-fact waiting to come forth in your awareness. As soon as the God-fact is known, the pain stops. The pain has done its job.

Essentially, pain or any other problem is saying, “Hey Johnny, I have something new to reveal about God’s Presence, and you really need to know this.” Like the family responds to the dinner bell by coming to the table, you respond to the pain (bell) by “listening” prayer.

Getting Rid Of The Pain Is Not The Point

But you must be mindful of your goal. The goal is not to get rid of the pain. Your aim is to discover the Truth the pain is drawing your attention to. In prayer you may ask, “What is the Truth I need to know?” Although it is possible for the answer to be revealed in an instant, you may have to do this many times throughout the day.

Many readers of my books and this blog tell me that they’ve tried this approach but the pain or problem didn’t go away. I always answer with this question: “What Truth did you discover?” If the answer is none, they weren’t done. Following the suggestion of this post, you must be focused on the discovery and not the relief from your condition.

Reader, heed this advice: Don’t tie your feet before you start the race. Do not permit yourself to think, “My pain is so great I can’t get still.” You can. And you will prove to yourself that not only can you get still to “hear,” but you can experience moments of bliss.

Should you ever seem to be in pain, or should an insurmountable problem pop up, give this approach a try. It works!

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I Simply Held On To Truth And Was Healed

The Question

Allen, I’ve read many stories of people in the so-called metaphysical community who were healed just by merely holding fast to the idea that “I am well,” despite being seriously ill. Yet, there are many others who tried the same approach, and they didn’t fare as well. Why?

The Whole Story Wasn’t Told

Many people have read or heard such stories. After being uplifted and inspired they thought, “If he can do it, I can do it too.” There were many painful days, but they held on. Results of medical examinations gave no hope, but they held on. Day in and day out they kept repeating, “I am well,” but things did not turn out well for them.

In each instance of success, all that was shared and reported was “I simply held onto the fact that I am well.” This was the publicly known version of the story. The part that was never spoken or printed holds the answer to their success. I’m going to share a story with you.

God, Please Let Me Die

It was not a fatal disease, but according to Thomas, from morning to night, his body screamed out in pain. Weeks went by and Thomas was completely healed. When he shared his testimony, Thomas said, “Despite the pain and limited mobility, I simply maintained that I am well.” To the hearers it seemed a simple but effective approach. However, those in his spiritual circle knew the entire story.

One night feeling hopeless and frustrated, Thomas sat up in his bed and cried, “God, please make me well or just let me die.” A voice replied, “Because I am well, Thomas, you are well.” Thomas caught the vision. Despite his aches and pains, Thomas knew that he was well. He didn’t hold onto a Revelation. The Revelation held onto him. Soon, his body was free of all aches and pains.

Don’t Judge By Appearances!

When holding onto a spiritual idea doesn’t work, it’s because there was no Revelation supporting it. In these instances, “holding on” demands monstrous mental effort. And that approach is not sustainable.

For a moment, I’m switching to a different subject: appearances. After a paragraph or two, you will see why.

“Judge not according to appearances,” said Jesus. That was good advice. Things are not always what they appear to be. The sun isn’t really sitting on top of the Redwood tree, and the train tracks do not come together in the distance. Yet both appear to be so.

The Other Appearances

Keep those facts in mind and broaden Jesus’ counsel to mean judge not according to sensory testimony. As well as seeing, it includes hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling. How often have you heard a baby crying in the alley, only to discover it was a just a cat in heat?

The so-called human senses can be deceived. They can all report the presence of something that isn’t there. All of these deceptions can be lumped in the category of appearances. An appearance is something that seems to be but is not. The last two words are the most important – is not.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, it’s because you sense or even know that God is All – the only Presence and Power. Think about what this means. It means that you know, despite any appearance, that ALL IS WELL. Answer this question with one word. Why, in the midst of your seeming difficulty, is it so hard for you to say “I am well?” Here’s your honest answer: APPEARANCES.

You can appear to be so sick, pained, or infirmed, that it seems impossible for you to say, “I am well.” However, consciously knowing that the appearance (like the flat earth) is not present, empowers you to say it with conviction. Consciously knowing what is true is the ability to, as the questioner wrote, hold fast to an idea and be healed. Of course, the healing is nothing more than the Revelation of God’s Presence.

In the last paragraph, consciously knowing is italicized because it is the key to remaining steadfast despite the appearances. Consciously knowing Truth, despite appearances, is the result of Revelation. When Thomas cried out, “God please make me well,” Revelation kicked in and revealed, “Because I am well, Thomas, you are well.”

What I Thought Was Real, Isn’t

At that moment, Thomas’ perception of his reality changed. Revelation does that. Before that sublime moment, he perceived himself as a sick man, and a host of appearances supported that perception. After his experience, Thomas perceived himself as a well man – regardless of appearances.

Are you asking, “Allen, if the appearances continue to hang around such that you still have to hold on to Truth, what good is the Revelation?” The answer is simple. Once you know (via Revelation) that appearances have no genuine presence (or power), their days are numbered if the healing is not instantaneous.

The Bottom Line — God Is All

All that you have just read boils down to this: When Revelations changes your perception of reality, you don’t hold fast to Truth, you simply know the Truth. GOD IS ALL.

The Essential Missing Piece

The Question

“I’ve heard Marie Watts and Joel Goldsmith say that they don’t like healing testimonies. Being that they were once Christian Scientists, I find that strange. Healing testimonies are what keep me in Christian Science. Why do you think they disliked them?”

The Root Of Healing Testimonies In The Metaphysical Church

Both Marie Watts and Joel Goldsmith were class-taught Christian Scientists and therefore well-acquainted with the Wednesday testimony meeting. Yet they both professed to dislike testimonies. On occasion, however, they did share a testimony or two. The public testimony of spiritual healing has its roots in the Christian Science Wednesday testimony meeting. If you have ever been to one of these services, you can understand why Marie and Joel frowned on them.

I Was Blown Away When He Shared His Story

If it appears that you are troubled and beset by a problem, these Wednesday night services can comfort, inspire and give you hope to stay the course. I have enjoyed them. I remember a particularly lively service (sometimes they can be dead as a doornail) where healing testimonies followed in rapid succession. But one stood out. A tall, well-groomed and suited man stood up and grabbed the microphone. He shared that one night he had a heart attack, and without medical intervention, was quickly healed. The next day he won the gold medal in a Senior Olympic race.

At that moment I was impressed with this so-called quick healing. Later, I mentally flogged myself for being so impressed. Something was missing, and that’s why Watts and Goldsmith slowly backed away from testimonies. Just take a moment to think of God as the only Presence, and you’ll discover what the missing element is.

Only God Exists — An Eternal Truth

Only God exists. Only God has ever, or will ever exist. There is no other presence to usurp the Presence of God. Never has been. Where, then, has dis-ease ever been present? Nowhere! When has dis-ease ever been present? Never! When has a healing ever happened? Never!

When I heard the story of the Senior Olympian’s healing of a heart attack, I marveled. Later, I asked myself why. Temporarily, I took in the “lie” that this man actually had a heart attack – an impossibility considering God’s Allness. For a moment I, to my surprise, believed this man was healed of something that never could have occurred. [I am aware that something did appear to happen.]

The Missing Element

Let’s get to that missing element in most healing testimonies. If you’ve been to one of these services, you know that in every testimony the attestant tells the story of the difficulty and how, through some spiritual practice, they experienced a healing.

They all tell their testimony as if something really happened – as if they overcame an actual condition. Only once did someone conclude the story with the realization that IT NEVER HAPPENED. THE DISEASED CONDITION NEVER HAPPENED. IT WAS NEVER PRESENT. This realization is the missing element in most testimonies.

Marie Watts and Joel Goldsmith, like every other Practitioner, base their practice on this one fact: ONLY GOD IS HAPPENING. I believe they would be more inclined to hear testimonies if the attestant would conclude with words similar to this: “And then I realized that I was not sick. I never was sick, and I could never be sick, for God is always ALL.”

I am not suggesting that people should never attend a Christian Science Testimony service. What I am suggesting is that you attend with a discerning heart and ear. When the attestant shares the difficulty, know that it never happened. Maintain God’s Allness in your awareness. Don’t get caught up in the difficulty. However, I think it’s right to delight in their freedom from an illusion.

What This Means For You

This post is no help unless it offers something of practical value for you. It would be great if a problem never popped up in your life from this day forward. However, if it should, what are you going to do about it?

Rather than try to heal it, or get rid of it, focus your prayerful attention on the truth that the “it” is neither a presence nor power – it is not present. Focus your prayerful attention on knowing (not reciting) only God, and what God Is, is Present. If that seems too difficult, then ask “your” Consciousness this one question: What is really present here? This will lead to a true testimony, the realization of God’s Allness.

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There Are No Hopeless Conditions

Lately, I’ve heard too many stories about people ready to make their transition. In most cases, a crippling or fatal disease is involved. In other cases it’s the (seeming) decline of an aging body. For those who are tempted to throw in the towel, I hope you find inspiration from this excerpt of The Finished Kingdom by Lillian DeWaters.

A friend from North Carolina writes, that after years of both mental and bodily suffering from troubles for which there seemed to be no relief, “death, that great nightmare of the phantom world,” came to claim him. At that moment he was suddenly lifted into the plane above and recognized the nothingness of death. Directly over the head of his bed rested a great halo of a billiant, soft light, brighter than any electric light that he had ever beheld.

He declares there was spiritual or supernal force in the room that was irresistible, drawing him up and on, and making clear to him that, in reality, he had never been sick; that he lived, moved and had his being in God’s kingdom right here and now; that this is Life’s glorious city of New Jerusalem. The room seemed filled with the “water of Life” flowing in every direction and filling his consciousness with divine joy and inspiration. Then, the vision ceased; he opened his eyes, knew that he was healed, and arose from what had seemed his death-bed – whole. He declared that for days afterward, he felt as though he were walking on air, he seemed so light and free and glorious.

Many days of seemingly hopeless contemplations of Truth preceded this wonderful experience. Yet, as the story proves, those contemplations were not in vain.

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Pills, Surgery and Medical Treatment

The Call

One day a call came in asking about taking pills. The man was diagnosed with a heart condition and prescribed a pill he had to swallow twice a day. “How,” Allen, “can I say that God is All and pop these pills every day? Should I toss the pill and simply trust God?”

The Quick Answer

In many variations, I’m asked similar questions. Sometimes the question is about an upcoming surgical procedure, and other times it’s about a doctor’s appointment. Here’s the quick answer: If you have to ask whether to take a pill, take it. At some point, Consciousness (the conscious KNOWING that God is All) will take the pill out of your hand, and you won’t have to think or ask about it again. Furthermore, there will be no fear of the consequences. You will know with absolute certainty that there is no reason to take that pill. There’s nothing to fight and nothing to heal.

Living Up To A Misperceived Notion

You’ve heard of cases where Christian Scientists refused medical treatment or prematurely tossed their pills in the trash can. The consequences were not good. In each case, the pill tosser was trying to live up to a misperceived notion that Christian Science forbids help from materia medica. But it’s not true. Here’s an excerpt from the website: “Christian Scientists are always free to make their own decisions about health care, and indeed, every aspect of their lives. They respect the individual rights and conscience of those who choose medical care, just as they respect the humanitarian motives of those who provide medical care.”

It’s All About Wholeness

The pill. What does it represent? No one takes medication because they want to be sick. They take it because they want to experience Wholeness. Whether a person decides on a surgical procedure or a pill, it’s because of an inner certainty that they should always be whole and healthy. The pill or procedure is a material representation of Wholeness – not sickness.

Here we are at the point of Truth. Wholeness (Health) is the nature of God, and it can only be found in God. Pills and medical procedures give you an approximation of Wholeness, but they cannot give you Wholeness itself. God is Wholeness. What every pill popper wants is Wholeness – not an approximation. At a point, every pill-taking Truth student understands that what they desire is a greater realization of God’s Allness. That realization translates into the experience of Wholeness.

Should you have to take medication, do it without entertaining guilt. You can do this when you understand that the medication is only temporary until the real thing comes along – the realization of God’s Allness. Let’s explore what’s going on here.

It’s Just An Alert

The problem, whatever it seems to be, is an alert. It’s informing you that there is some greater Truth to be perceived. Your task is to discover this Truth. Meanwhile, medication offers temporary relief so that you can devote your attention to perceiving that Truth. Take advantage of the relief medication gives you so that you can engage in higher pursuits.

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Should I Or Shouldn’t I


“Whoa, Allen! Put the brakes on, and back it up. In your book, God is All, you said that we should only pray for the realization of God’s Allness, but in your last post, you encouraged us to call a Practitioner about our mundane concerns. I’m confused. Should we, or should we not pray about so-called human concerns?”

That’s the email I opened a week or two ago. Okay, I did add a few words for dramatic effect, but it’s pretty much word-for-word.

I’m glad this person reached out to me for this opportunity to clear up any confusion our readers might have. Yes, prayer should only be for the realization of God’s Allness. And, yes you should contact a Practitioner if you seem to have a problem. The two fit hand in glove. You enjoy the freedom to keep your attention rightly focused and have your problem resolved.

Sometimes stuff happens – or at least appears to. Despite knowing that God is All, the appearance of disease, lack, grief or trouble pops up. Naturally, you want this appearance to dis-appear. Quickly. Yet, it doesn’t. What do you do?

In the face of seeming trouble, you don’t have to come down from your high place of God-Realization to monkey around with the appearance. You can still keep your prayerful focus on God-Realization. Let the Practitioner deal with the appearance.

“Well, Allen,” you may ask, “isn’t this just shifting the problem over to the Practitioner to focus on?” Not at all. The Practitioner knows that it is nothing. Even as you are presenting it as something, she knows that Omnipresent Perfection is All that is present, active and evident.

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Working With A Practitioner


So many questions have come in about Practitioners that I’m devoting this post to those most frequently asked.

What happened to the Practitioners List that used to appear on this blog? I tried clicking on the link and nothing was there.

Oops! My mistake. I thought I removed all the dead links. The Practitioners List was discontinued a few years ago. Here’s why.

Many people reading our blog have never heard of a Practitioner before. They do not understand that like doctors, nurses, and plumbers, Practitioners are paid for their services. Many people were getting the help they requested but were not paying the Practitioner.

On the other hand, there were some Practitioners on the list who did not provide adequate service and still expected to be paid. As many of you know, I hold firm that shoddy “work” does not deserve compensation.

Finally, some of our readers have been used to working with Christian Science Practitioners who are available any hour of the day. There were complaints about the availability of the listed Practitioners. One or two, if you recall, lived out of the country and the time-zone issue kicked in.

For these reasons, I thought it best to discontinue the list.

How long should I work with a Practitioner?

What would trigger such a question? Mainly, cost and effectiveness, and both deserve some attention here.

If cost is your concern, most likely you have worked with a Christian Science Practitioner in the past. They are the only Practitioners that charge per call and send a monthly invoice.

I will say this about every Christian Science Practitioner I know. They are sincere, dedicated people and will work with you. Simply tell your Practitioner that you are concerned about the cost – especially if costs are mounting without seeing any results.

I know some Practitioners reading this post will take exception to what follows, but let’s look at the facts. The whole Practitioner model is supposed to be based on Christ Jesus’ method of healing. How many times did it take for Christ to get it right? How many “treatments” did He give?

If a Practitioner is working a long time on a majority of the calls that come in, trust me, there’s nothing wrong with the caller. It’s the Practitioner – myself included.

Spiritual “healing” is the natural offshoot of Understanding. (I capitalize the word because I mean Understanding the Allness of God.) It is not a thing in and of itself. If a majority of the cases seem to take a while, the Practitioner needs to take some time off for greater spiritual clarity in order to reach that Understanding.

But, Allen, some Practitioners do this for a living and can’t afford to take time off.” Any Practitioner who “heals for a living” has either missed the boat or boarded the wrong one. You don’t heal for a living. Christ Jesus healed BECAUSE of his living. He healed BECAUSE of his knowing.

Reader, you heal because of your knowing. Healing is incidental to your knowing. Knowledge is king. Any other approach and the Practitioner risks falling into a ditch of nonsense screaming “I need sick people so I can put a roof on the house and get new tires for the car.”

I still haven’t answered the question of how long to work with a Practitioner. I’m going to take a different approach to this question by answering a different question: Why would I continue to work with a Practitioner?

  • In the case of a so-called incurable condition, it’s obvious why you would continue your work with a Practitioner. There’s no other help.
  • You want a spiritual solution to the problem. You know that anything less than a spiritual solution (based on God’s Allness) is just a fix-for-the-moment. The real solution is spiritual realization – either yours or the Practitioner’s.
  • You are confident that you are working with the right Practitioner and want to continue until the problem is resolved.

I once read that Practitioners would rather you call about prayer for spiritual enlightenment rather than all this other human stuff people call for? Is that true?

No! And it’s the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard.

When Christ Jesus was in Capernaum, he visited a home and started teaching. Rumor spread that he was at the house, and a large crowd gathered. The house was packed.

Four men, concerned about their sick friend, carried him to the home where Jesus was teaching. When they arrived, they couldn’t get in. Determined, they went to the roof, broke through it and lowered their friend down into the room. After all of that, do you think the first thing they did was look up to Christ Jesus and said, “Please give my friend spiritual enlightenment?”

When the disciples sensed that the multitudes were starving in the desert, does the Bible record that they asked Jesus for enlightenment? In any of the healing miracles, can you find one case where the request was for spiritual enlightenment? No, you can’t. And you cannot find anywhere in the Bible where Jesus denied someone a healing because they didn’t ask for enlightenment.

No one should ever think that a Practitioner is a genie out of the bottle, and no one should ever become dependent on a Practitioner. However, there is a higher cause to the work of the Practitioner. That cause is to show that the solution to every seeming problem is a spiritual solution.

As the Practitioner is doing nothing but knowing the Allness of God, it is proof positive that THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE ALLNESS OF GOD IS THE SOLUTION TO EVERY SEEMING PROBLEM.

I have been a Practitioner for years and have been dealing with a health challenge of my own. Should I continue taking calls?

By all means, if it feels right to take a “case,” take it. Some Practitioners have done their best work while dealing with personal challenges. However, don’t be lax. Do clear up your own issue – by spiritual realization of course. In the long run, it will help your practice.

Let’s say that you seem to be dealing with a long-standing lung condition. It’s been clinging to you like a tree monkey. Finally, through a clear realization of God’s Allness, the matter is resolved. From this point on, it is likely that anyone who calls with this same condition will be healed instantly. Why? Because here you are absolutely clear on the nothingness of nothing. Most likely, from this point on, many of the calls you get will be related to this seeming condition. That’ll be explained in another post.


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The Coronavirus Post


The coronavirus seems to have a tight grip on the world, and everyone is trying to wriggle free of it. Those of enlightened Consciousness are asking, “What can I do to help the world?” Others are asking, “As one alone, is there any point in praying?”

Reader, you are not powerless. You, knowing that God is All, have all the Power of God on your side. You can’t ask for more, but you have to know it. Don’t believe for a second that you lack enough understanding and knowledge to be of help in these seemingly dark times. You know all you need to know.

For now, I’m turning your attention to 2 Timothy verse 7:

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind.”

Wonderful! But the gold in this verse is in the spiritual Truth that lies beneath the words. Let’s you and I do a little digging and see what we find.

The Fearless Mind

You know there is only One Presence – God. Necessarily, there must be, and is, only One Mind! God is this Mind. This Mind is your Mind. It is the Mind of every Identity on the face of this planet. This Mind is the “sound mind” that Paul writes about in his letter to Timothy.

The One Mind – your Mind – knows Itself to be All. It knows there is no other Presence to oppose or threaten it. For this reason, it is a fearless Mind. What is there to fear? No-thing.

Do you really want to help? In your daily contemplation of God’s Allness, know that the One Mind is the Mind of all. Know that despite all appearances, there is (and can be) no fearing Mind spooked by the appearance of a viral epidemic. Despite the mask-wearing faces you see on the screen, and the panic-stricken voice you hear on the phone, know that there is no mind operating in fear. There is only One Mind.

For the next several days, contemplate the ideas you’ve just read. This will help, but there’s more to consider.

Spiritually Healing The World

You want to help heal the world? Then, this question must be answered: What is spiritual healing?

Spiritual healing is the Revelation of God’s Allness right where sickness appears to be. That’s all it is.

For years Alistair McCrory suffered with a lung disease. After a few steps from the bedroom to the bathroom he had to stop to rest. At the suggestion of a friend, Alistair called a Practitioner for spiritual healing.

Did the Practitioner pray to remove diseased lungs and replace them with healthy lungs? Sounds ideal, but that’s not how spiritual healing works. No! The Practitioner turned completely away from caller and complaint to focus her attention on God’s Allness. At some point, she attained an absolute certainty that God Activity is all that is going on – anywhere.

That certainty, or Revelation, is the healing. Soon, Alistair called back. “What did you do? I am completely healed.” Spiritual healing is simply the healing of a mis-perception that something is going on other than God.

Does Size Matter?

Indulge me for a moment while I ask you some simple questions. They’re going somewhere wonderful.

Imagine that you’re sitting in front of table with only two white golf balls on it. Someone puts two more on the table. How many golf balls are there? Four. That’s the principle of mathematics: two plus two equals four.

Now, forget the golf balls. Imagine you’re standing outdoors. Two elephants walk in front of you. A few seconds later, two more elephants arrive on the scene. How many elephants are there? Four. Again it goes back to the basic principle of mathematics. The size of the object involved does not change the principle.

Similarly, Spiritual Principle (God is All) does not change because of the size of the appearance. Neither does the healing approach.

A zit on the face is a flaw. But it can’t be. The Spiritual Principle states that Omnipresent Perfection (God) is all. The zit is nothing, and because the appearance appears to be very small in scale, it’s easy to perceive its nothingness.

A virus is frightening and threatening the health of the citizens of the world. That’s the appearance. It is as much nothing as the zit. Go back to the golf balls and the elephants. In this case, the zit is the golf ball and the virus is the elephant. The size of the appearance does not make the virus less NOTHING than the zit.

Realizing the nothingness of nothing is all there is to spiritual healing whether it pertains to an individual body, or the body of an entire planet.

Rather than praying to heal the world, let your Consciousness reveal more clearly that Omnipresent Perfection is the only Presence, Power and Evidence. Let your Consciousness reveal with unshakeable certainty the Only-ness of God right where a life-threatening virus seems to be.

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Hip Replacement Surgery – A Better Way


By 2030 This Number Is Expected To Increase 300%

“A hip replacement,” I screeched into the phone. “Why would you want a hip replacement as young as you are?” It was a crazy question, but the news took me off guard. My good friend Kevin said he’s been in tear-inducing pain for months. “Sometimes,” he said, “it hurts so bad I don’t want to get out of bed.”

In the United States alone, approximately 300,000 hip replacement surgeries are performed each year. That’s a lot of swapping bone for metal and plastic. In the last few years, people talk about getting hip replacements like they’re getting an Olympic gold medal. They even smile about it. How many of these are actually necessary? From a medical point-of-view, it’s debatable. From a spiritual point of view, just about NONE of them.

Every time someone tells me they’re scheduled for a hip replacement, the picture of a giant saw cutting through bone comes to mind. I think how invasive the procedure is, and I say to myself, “There is a better way – a way that causes no pain, no cut, and no recovery time.” That’s why I’m writing this post.

Before I continue, be clear that my intention is not to dissuade you (if you’ve made up your mind) from having hip replacement surgery. My intention is to bring to your awareness another approach, an approach that is consistent with God being All, and All being God.

Two Stories of Spiritual Replacement Surgery

At the age of nine, Charles Fillmore, co-founder of the Unity movement, was diagnosed with tuberculosis of the hip which left him with a shriveled right leg which, in his own words, “refused to grow.” The entire right side of his body was affected. He lost hearing in his right ear and vision in his right eye weakened. But, with SPIRITUAL SURGERY, his shortened, withered leg grew to match his “good” leg, and both his vision and hearing were restored.

Mr. Fillmore had a leg, ear, and eye replacement. Through spiritual discernment, he replaced a human, material concept of his body with the spiritual reality of his Body. Spiritual reality, he discerned, did not include a withered leg, deaf ear, or weakened vision. Spiritual discernment revealed that every aspect of his Body was as whole and perfect as God. He realized that Spirit, Soul and Body is One. He realized what is true of the Spirit of God is what is true of Body – his Body and every Body.

Here’s another fine example of what I call Spiritual Replacement Surgery. Many years ago a man called me for prayer help. H. Bigham had been his longtime Practitioner-Consultant, but she was no longer taking calls.

He shared the story of his first time calling Mrs. Bigham for prayer help concerning one of his remaining teeth. Within days, all of his missing teeth were “restored.”

This story and Fillmore’s both prove the practicality of spiritual surgery. They both are great lessons on spiritual replacement of faulty body parts. They prove that it is possible to have great results with a non-invasive procedure. The procedure is simply a conscious realization of Truth. And, you can do this.

Spiritual Surgery Is A Matter Of Consciousness

Do you need hip, limb, or organ replacement surgery? If you are willing to try spiritual surgery, you can avoid the knife, the pain, and the recovery time. Even better, you come out of this “procedure” with a greater understanding of God, spiritual Substance, Identity, and your Body.

The first step in spiritual replacement surgery is crucial. Without it, everything else is a waste of your time. Here is the first step: Disregard (because I know it’s nearly impossible to forget) everything you’ve learned about your Body through observation, science classes, religious dogma, etc.

Just for the sake of explanation, imagine that your Mind is a large blackboard. Written on it are a zillion facts about your Body. These are the facts you’ve learned in the past. Willingly, erase everything on it. Don’t worry, it won’t stay empty for long.

The next step is to fill the board with new facts – spiritual discoveries concerning your Body. Where do these facts come from? Not from books. You’re going to be God taught.

This has to be Revelation. There is no other way. You cannot reason your way into this. Asking and silent listening facilitate Revelation of vital Truth concerning your Body. Your business is experiencing Revelation. That’s all!

No actual surgery takes place. No replacement occurs – excepting the replacement of false concepts with the Truth. Revelation exposes the perfect Body (part) where a faulty one seems to be.

What I’ve written here is nothing new. There are many other stories I could share, but the bottom line is this: If you know that God is All, there is a spiritual way to handle all of your Body concerns.


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Forgiveness and Healing


“Sir, I have heard you say that if a person has been diagnosed with an incurable disease, they should get busy forgiving everyone that they can think of. Why is that so important to you?”

I didn’t originate this idea. Christ Jesus did. Read his words:

“And when you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father may forgive you.” [Mark 11:25]

This implies that forgiveness is the first and most essential step for successful prayer. Let’s go behind Jesus’ wise counsel and get at the heart of it, as it relates to healing.

Forgivness Is Oneness — An Essential For Healing

In any case of disease, whether curable or incurable, there is (or seems to be) the belief that the disease is a power, and it can wreak havoc on the body’s health. The Truth is, God is the only Power (Doer).

In any case of unforgiveness, the one who clings to past offenses and refuses to forgive believes that someone or something had power to wreak havoc in their life. “Look what she did to me. My life is in ruins because of it. You can understand, can’t you, why I won’t forgive her?” Yet, that person, and the thing they did, never had power to do anything. God was and is the only power in and as the life of the non-forgiving person.

What Is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual healing is the Realization of God as the only Presence and Power. That Realization is impossible while holding on to the idea that something (fill in any name here) has power. Spiritual healing is a near impossibility while consciously holding on to past hurts.

Spiritual healing is the Realization of Oneness. While holding on to past hurts and offenses, you are holding on to twoness. Spiritual healing is impossible while clinging to dualism.

Making Things Clearer

The purpose of this post is to answer the subscriber’s question. For a better understanding of forgiveness, and how to do it, you can’t beat this post by Lillian DeWaters.


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