Monthly Archives: October 2014

Our Readers Write

handwritten letter

Below are two recent communications I have received. I thought they were worth sharing with you. Please feel free to share a testimony that with our readers.

Letter of Thanks

Loved your recent post Allen….as always. Just want to say that…though I experience “falls” much more often then you do…I have had very similar experiences in the way you describe here.( I’m into the term – feeling of Illumined Awareness rather then Mind). Its sooooo liberating. So just want to say thank you for your sharing because hearing you speak it somehow adds an even greater Flavor and Quickening of Understanding and Trust to it for me. Thanks as always. Love to you Friend.

A Testimony

Dear Allen,
Gratefully I am feeling well. Take care of my own affairs. I have a reliable Jeep Liberty and go to town however many times necessary. I am 5 miles from Payson. My home is in the forest of Ponderosa Pines —secluded and private — but not isolated.

First, every morning long moments of stillness, peace, and “listening.” I don’t begin the day without this quiet time.

I will share with you an experience last week. I walked directly into a low-hanging tree branch, and a short, sharp end of the branch went into my eye. Immediately I went into the house; sat down and assured myself “nothing is wrong with me.” That was the end of the discomfort, and the balance of the day I drove to town, did the errands, came home. Everything was good.

I do appreciate the fine posts you send; they certainly help me to maintain. I still enjoy the cassette tape about living a life of ease … it’s a masterpiece.

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All Of A Sudden It Was Over

I Had To Get Out Of This Dark Place

You won’t believe this. Last Sunday afternoon I nosedived into a dark and gloomy state of depression. For an hour, I rolled and wallowed around in this dark “mental” funk. I wanted to talk to someone, so I picked up the phone and called a good friend. After rushing through the social courtesies, I warned “Today is your lucky day. I don’t usually do this, but I’ve got to vent.” She endured my venting for a blink-of-the-eye moment. (I didn’t expect much more.) Then, she took a courageous stab or two at lifting my spirits. She didn’t.

And It Didn’t Take Long

I hung up and hurriedly crawled back to that dark place. Reader, I don’t frequent this place. My visits are few and years between. While sitting in my favorite chair, staring at the wall, that line from the blog I posted on August 19 – Don’t Try To Still Your Mind whispered to me: “This is not Mind. It is not me.” I realized that the mind thinking these thoughts and feeling this way is not Mind (God). Therefore it is no part of me. It was like someone snatched a black towel from over my eyes. All was Light and laughter, and I never went back to that dark place.

Reader – dark, depressing, negative thoughts are not Mind. They are not you. “You are the Light of the world.”

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The Great Escape (Part 2)


All You Need To Know About The Human Mind

A reader asked this question: “Is it ever really possible to stop thinking?” The answer is yes … and no. By way of thinking, the so-called human mind is hunting for a “Formula for Living” – a formula for safety, security, happiness and success. Because it can never find this formula, the human mind never stops thinking. Sometimes it thinks fear thoughts. Sometimes worry thoughts. Sometimes it thinks, “I can’t,” and “I will never” thoughts. Like red pepper flakes on a slice of pepperoni pizza, there are smidgens and sprinkles of “good” thoughts.

The human mind bases all of its busy-body thinking on the notion that time and space separates everything and everyone. This, of course, is a lie. There is only ONE INSEPARABLE, INDIVISIBLE PRESENCE – GOD. The formula that the so-called human mind is searching for rests in the awareness of ONENESS. Since the human mind starts with twoness, it can never find the formula that it seeks. So, it keeps thinking, and thinking, and thinking.

Knowing Without Thinking

Reader, don’t let all that I’ve written disturb you. Fortunately, the human mind and all the thoughts it thinks are not real. The entire kit and caboodle doesn’t exist. Stop trying to stop thinking. Take a slow, deep breath and relax in the comforting message that follows.

There is a Mind, and this Mind is All. This Mind, or Awareness, is YOU. It’s completely impersonal and indivisible. This Mind is activity, and the activity that it is cannot be stopped. If it could, the entire universe would cease to exist.

THIS MIND, THAT IS YOU, DOES NOT THINK. It has never thought one single thought. And yet this Mind is always aware. It is all knowledge. What does this Mind know? It knows Itself to be All. This is the full extent of Mind’s knowing.

Reader, can you see that this all-knowing Mind (that is All) has no need to search for Life’s Formula? It has no need to think fear thoughts, worry thoughts, lack thoughts, and all the other thoughts based on the fiction of a presence and power other than Itself? This Mind that I am writing about is YOU – the one and only YOU.

Your Mind In Active Stillness

Once you realize that there is only one Mind, and that this Mind is All, you will first notice a change in the quality of the thoughts you “think”. Mind surges and soars with spontaneous happy, joy-filled thoughts. Worry-wart thoughts are far and few between. Confident “I can” thoughts replace “I can’t” thoughts. “I am able” thoughts overthrow the “But I don’t know how” thoughts. When you look at your neighbor, your spouse, your co-worker, you think “This one that I see is the living Truth.” You didn’t try to think the thought because you ought to. The idea just popped up like a jack-in-the-box.

Reader, perhaps you have already had this experience. During your morning contemplation, you sit down to contemplate a spiritual Truth. Maybe it’s “I and the Father are one,” or “God is love.” At first it seems you are directing and controlling the contemplation. You are conducting the movement of ideas. Then … the contemplation takes on a life of its own. You are no longer conducting the symphony of ideas that flood Consciousness. Instead of thinking, there is the activity of knowing. Just for a moment, it seems as though you are going along for this joyous ride. Then … you experience yourself BEING the contemplation. All the while, you experience an indescribable peace. There is a flood tide of ideas, but no thinking. What’s happening here?

Have you ever seen a bicycle wheel spin so fast that it seems the spokes are not moving at all? There is activity, but it appears as stillness. In contemplations as described above, Mind – your Mind – is whizzing with (as) activity. Yet, it seems still as a frozen lake. This seeming stillness is experienced as a calm, effortless knowing. This is Mind at its all-knowing best – without thinking.

Is this experience confined to a prayer nook? No! Believe me. While you are out and about your day, you can and will have moments of sudden, spontaneous, all-absorbing contemplation. Because Mind is awareness, you will be aware of any and every thing that you need to be aware of to carry on safely. And, the indescribable bliss will seem to transport you to another world. You are active, moving, carrying on your affairs without thinking. The moment may be fleeting as a few breaths, but that’s enough to let you know of greater things to come.

The short answer to the reader’s question is: No, it is not possible to stop the human mind from thinking. Yes, it is possible to know the nothingness of the human mind and the somethingness of God Mind. And yes, it is possible to know without thinking and to experience this as a living fact.

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Why You Do The Things You Do (Spiritually)

Excerpt from Sounds Of The Trumpet

Reader, have every confidence that your reason for seeking Truth is because you are already Truth. Your attraction to things of the Spirit is because you are already Spirit. It is because you are already the Truth that you respond so warmly and affectionately to the Absolute. It is because you are already the Truth that you have moments of silence where you are free from even the appearance of a mythical world of evil, loss, and lack.

It is only because you are already whole that you have ever bothered to pray for a healing. It is because the kingdom has already been given you that you have ever prayed for any good thing. Cease reversing the Truth, thinking that you pray because you lack. IT IS BECAUSE GOD REALLY IS ALL, ALL CONSCIOUSNESS AND ALL MANIFESTATION, THAT GLORIOUS LIVING IS NOW INEVITABLE FOR YOU AND EVERY IDENTITY IN THIS VAST UNIVERSE.

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