Monthly Archives: August 2022

Living It Is Better Than Reading It

Let’s Live The Post

Most likely you’ve already read the last blog post, How To Read A Truth Book. Did you merely read it, or did you read it well? Are you living it? After re-reading that post, I invite you to choose a start date and live it for 30 days.

Let’s make beholding the Christ (or God Identity) a lifestyle. We say that we believe (even know) God is the only Presence. God, therefore, must be the only Presence of every Identity in this wonderful “heaven” we call Earth. Let us, then, look at what appears to be human identities and perceive only God Identities.

Know What You Mean When You Say It

Before you start on this project, let’s clarify what you’re doing. It’s not enough to just say, “I behold the Christ as you.” You must know what you mean when you say it. The list below gives you a hint:

  • You are exactly what God is as you.
  • You are the Presence of Eternal Life.
  • You are Immortal.
  • You are Living Perfection.
  • You are Illumination in living action.
  • You are Light, Love and All-Knowing Intelligence.

That’s enough to get you started. During your 30-Day Exercise, other ideas will percolate and pop into Consciousness. When that happens, you will not miss a Christ-beholding opportunity.

Below I answer a few questions you may have before starting this project.

Do I include myself?

Yes. Every morning you see your reflection in the mirror. Don’t pass up this Christ-beholding opportunity. It’s a great way to start your day.

Am I to try doing this for everyone I see during the day?

No. That would induce unnecessary stress. It’s better to randomly select people throughout the day. Pick the driver in the car next to you, or someone in a crowd crossing the street. Throughout the day, you could choose a different co-worker. You get the point.

Because of health complications, I am housebound. Can I still do this exercise?

Of course you can. Do you watch television? You can choose any actor on the screen. Do you talk to friends and family on the phone, or on facetime? That’s another perfect opportunity – even as you are talking.

Once, you get started, you’ll discover plenty of opportunities to behold the Christ.

What if I’m resistant to beholding the Christ of a family member?

To get the most out of this 30-day exercise, I’d start with that particular family member. With this family member, all you need is a simple willingness to let go of the resistance.

Take this family member into your contemplation and start by saying, “I am willing to let go of my resistance to beholding God as the reality of your being.” Then, be still. Listen. Let the revealing Word come forth in Consciousness. It will.

There will not be another post until September. However, I would like to hear about your experience with this exercise.

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