Monthly Archives: February 2014

Help Me Find This Other Mind

Searching But Not Finding

I apologize for being late posting this entry, but I’ve been busy searching for something. Just to verify a rumor, I’ve been searching high and low for this “other mind” that people keep talking about. I cannot find it.

But You Said There Is Only One

Many Absolutists heartily proclaim “O’ I know there is only one presence.” And then in a few more breaths, they speak about folk who don’t understand this Truth, and folk who are not quite ready for this Truth. They even talk of folk with a lesser consciousness. All this translates to two or more minds. Consider what follows.

The false belief that there are some folk walking around this “kingdom of heaven” not ready to hear the Absolute Truth implies that there is a Mind that is not the Absolute Truth — not God. Whenever I hear someone say, “Allen, some people are not ready for this Truth,” I think to myself that they need to sit down and examine exactly what they mean when they say, “God is the only Presence.” How do they define “only”?

What Does Only Mean To You?

When they say only, do they mean existing with no other, or do they mean existing with a few others? Webster’s dictionary defines only as “existing with no other,” and that’s what I mean when I say God is the only Presence.

Not only is everyone ready to hear this Truth, but everyone is already present as this Truth and is actually conscious of Being this Truth. If they were not, God Consciousness would not be the only Consciousness. God would not be the only presence.

If you think someone is not ready for the Absolute, be certain that you know there is only ONE and ONE ALONE, and that YOU ARE THIS ONE. Then, and only then, is it clear to see that everyone is this ONE, and only this ONE.

One Alone

Recently I’ve gotten very clear on the importance of being absolutely Absolute. If dualism is allowed to blossom in one arena of your awareness and experience, it seems to drop seeds in other areas. Of course, the seeming is never the reality, but sometimes the pain seems real. All this can be avoided, by recognizing and acknowledging just ONE and ONE ALONE.

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The One Thing You Should Never Watch

Watch sunsets,
Watch sunrises,
Watch people,
Watch stars,
Watch clouds,
Watch the smile on a baby’s face.
Watch whatever you want.
But whatever you watch, don’t watch your thinking. Thoughts are not power.

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What To Do About This Material Sense Of Body

Thanks to Darcio (a blog family member from Brazil), I was inspired to dust off a book I haven’t read in ages by Arthur Corey. Below is an excerpt from his Christian Science Class Instruction

The claim is made that, although man may be spiritual and perfect in his true being, he has here another body – one that is material and imperfect. The thing that extinguishes an erroneous sense of body is the realization that he hasn’t got another body.

Realizing that this which appears to be a material body is exempt from the restrictions of finite belief, perfect body is manifested in exact ratio. The only material body you could have would be the belief that the body is material. You cannot dispose of a material sense of body as though it were a thing , but you must transcend it; and this ascension appears as a constantly improved bodily estate.

You cannot die out of a material body, you must live out of it.

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