Monthly Archives: November 2017

Have You Called Several Practitioners Without Results?


The first time I called a practitioner was for employment – or so I thought. Within a few days, job offers poured in. I called the practitioner again and said, “Please stop. I decided I’m not ready to work.”

The second time I called a practitioner, I was in a financial crisis. In a few days, the supply came in. Then, there was the time when I just left the Emergency Room. The doctor said unless I had an operation tomorrow, things would go badly for me. I called the practitioner and was healed within hours.

Reader, to tell you the truth, a Pink-rumped Rosefinch could pray for me, and the results would be similar. It seems that I’ve always responded to prayer. But, this post is not about me. This post is for those of you who seem to get no help from a practitioner.

Marie Watts (of The Ultimate) told me many times that she never received help from a practitioner. During her time in Christian Science, she was acquainted with some of the best practitioners in the movement. Yet, they were not able to help her.

Then, she said these words, “Allen, when a person has tried many practitioners without receiving help, it’s because they are able to do the work themselves.” I believe this. I sincerely believe that if you have tried one practitioner after another without getting help, you can successfully help yourself. Don’t be afraid! You can do it.

Below are two approaches for “doing your own work.”


In this approach you lay out all the troubling appearances that seem to be real, and then you ask (God Consciousness) what is really going on?

For example, “It appears that my eyes are red and swollen. It seems as though my vision is blurry and out of focus. These are the appearances, but right where this trouble seems to be happening, what really is going on?” Then, you listen. If no answer comes forth immediately, repeat and listen. Don’t lose heart. Consciousness will reveal what is true.


If there appears to be trouble in your experience, it’s not what it appears to be. It looks troublesome, and it may even appear to be life-threatening, but it’s not. This troublesome thing is drawing your attention to some Truth of God.

In this approach, you simply ask in prayer, “What is the Truth that I most need to know now?” Or, for those who are rattled by the duality of such a question, you can ask, “What is the Truth that I am knowing right now?”

Reader, I’ve used both approaches. When something seems so horrific that it knocks me off balance, I opt for the first approach. Either way, your focus is not on healing but knowing what IS. I repeat the words of Marie Watts, “Allen, when a person has tried many practitioners without receiving help, it’s because they are able to do the work themselves.”

You can do your own work!

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What’s Happening In Your Life?


Really, It Never Happened

Tucked in the fourth paragraph of the previous post are three words that, surprisingly, didn’t rankle our readers. Referring to the hurricanes, and the destruction that followed, I wrote, “it never happened.” Yes, I meant exactly what I wrote, and the following story will help to clarify that statement.

The hurricane blew so violently that day in New England that it toppled a chimney which fell on Charles, breaking his collarbone and severing an artery in his foot. The doctor told him that he would have to wear a cast for six weeks.

While lying in his hospital bed, a brilliant flash of insight blazed in Charles’ consciousness: “If, in divine order, there had never been an accident, no bone had been broken. Therefore, I do not need to wait for the collarbone to knit together.” In other words, Charles realized IT NEVER HAPPENED.

Start Right, And You End Right

Starting from God (Spirit) being all there is, the appearance of an accident, resulting in crushed and broken bones, would be a miracle. “Accidents,” as Mary Baker Eddy said, “are unknown to God.” What I’m driving at is this: If it is not God in action, it’s not happening, and it never happened.

Over the years I’ve read and heard stories of people who were in accidents that left them hopelessly disfigured and crippled. According to medical assessment, these people were told they would have to live with these afflictions for the rest of their lives. Yet, after realizing more fully that the One Presence in action is the only activity, they were healed. In these stories, each person declared the same thing – essentially, “I realized that it never happened.”

Distinguishing What’s Real

Only what’s real ever happens. This is a fact. So, the first order of business is to distinguish what’s real from what appears to be real. Take a look at this simple formula for determining what’s real.

  • First: Establish what you know to be the nature of God. Love, Light, Perfection, Infinite, Eternal, and most of all, Oneness.
  • Second: No matter what you seem to see (or sense), ask yourself, “Is it consistent with what I know God to be?” If the answer is “No,” then you know it is not real and it is not happening.

Imagine you’re in the workplace. It appears that two of your co-workers are in a squabble. Voices and fists are raised. Any moment fists could fly. This is the scene that the ears and eyes are reporting. Immediately, instead of standing there as a snooping spectator, you ask yourself, “Is this happening?” Right there you say, “No, it’s not happening. My eyes and ears are reporting two, but there is only One presence.” You stand firm knowing that Love (Oneness) is the only happening.

It seems amazing what happens next. Voices lower and fists relax. Apologies are exchanged. It’s over before it really gets started. Why? Because IT NEVER HAPPENED, and you knew it.

Start From God’s Allness

No matter how bad it looks or looked, judge not according to appearances. Start from God’s Allness. IT NEVER HAPPENED. Reader, can you, or anyone, suffer the consequences from what never happened?

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