Monthly Archives: October 2023

The Spiritual Detox – Try It!

Every morning Emma starts her day with a cup of hot lemon water. For lunch she slurps on a green smoothie laced with protein powder. Some days it’s just cups of herbal tea and green-tea smoothies. Other days it’s bowls of chia-seed pudding and cold glasses of cucumber and mint infused water. As you’ve probably guessed, Emma is on a detox diet. A trend I thought had died and gone to diet hell is back, and more popular than ever.

Detox diets are supposed to rid the body of toxins and waste products. Their effectiveness is debatable. However, dedicated detoxers say that after a 7-day detox their skin is clearer, digestion is better, and they have unlimited energy. I think the detoxers are onto something, but it has nothing to do with teas, water, juices.

Behind every so-called human activity there is a spiritual principle. When you understand the principle, you can ditch the human activity and never look back. The spiritual principle behind the detox diet is purity. This is the pure Truth: GOD IS ONE, INFINITE, INDIVISIBLE PRESENCE, UNCONTAMINATED BY ANOTHER PRESENCE AND POWER.

Let’s make a turn and discover how this plays out as a spiritual practice. What follows is all about a SPIRITUAL DETOX.

Just as teas, juices and water are the essentials of a body detox diet, prayer, contemplation and silence are the basics of a spiritual detox. But this is not just any kind of prayer. It’s pure prayer – prayer purged of any desire for person, place, condition or thing. How do you know if your prayer is pure?

When you pray, what do you hope the end result will be? A healing? More money? Harmony in your affairs? A new home? If you’re detoxing, hope is a prayer toxin. When your prayer is pure, there’s only one expected goal: to know or experience more of the Presence of God. That’s it.

I encourage you to try this two-step 30-day Spiritual Detox. Here’s how:


The first step is the “Intention Step.” In a Spiritual Detox Diet, your intention is to consciously know and experience more of God’s Presence. That’s it!


In this step, you listen to hear the still small voice of your God Consciousness.

You may feel the need to use some words to segue into the silence. Bible passages or words from your favorite book will suffice. If you are new to this type of prayer, I suggest that you state words of intention as you enter the silence: “God, all I want is a realization of your Presence.”

As you state your intention, remind yourself:

  • “I am not hoping for a healing. All I want is realization.”
  • “I am not hoping for more money. All I want is realization.”
  • “I am not hoping to change or improve anything in my life. All I want is realization.”

Note my repetitive use of the word hoping. It’s there for a reason due to its toxic effect. Many so-called Truth students lead into the silence with all the right words. They say, “God, all I want is you,” but their prayer is riddled with hope that their problem(s) will instantly disappear. The problem, and not God, is the focus of these tainted prayers. This won’t do.

Pure prayer does solve problems. Pure prayer does heal sick bodies, and it does work what some call miracles. But how? Pure prayer reveals that God, and God’s Omnipresent Perfection is, and has always been the only Presence. In other words, pure prayer reveals there are no problems to be solved. Only God exists.

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