Are You The Only One?

Allen, I don’t feel like I have any spiritual support. I’m the only one in the household who believes this stuff. It’s difficult. What do you suggest?

Finding People Who Believe As You Do

I’ve heard this question, expressed in different words, a zillion times. Since I started Absolutely Yours, people have written or called telling me how they are the only ones in their family or social circle who are into the Absolute (God is all there is). Whether they write or call, you can sense a desperate cry to find people “who believe as I do.”

The Allness Of God Is All –You’re Not The Only One

Getting back to the writer. She writes, “I’m the only one who believes this stuff.” [Let’s both ignore the word “stuff.”] Her own admission is the root of the problem. She claims she believes that God is All. Beliefs, as I’ve always said, are like weather vanes. They constantly change according to the winds of emotion or external influence. Reader, you have to know that God is All – not merely believe it. When you know it, you know that All means all. It doesn’t just include everyone in your social circle. The Allness of God is everyone in your social circle.

The One that is All is the one and only Mind that exists. Yes, it’s true: The Truth knowing Mind is the only Mind. There is no other. There is no mind that doesn’t know God to be All there is.

Is There One Mind Or Minds Many?

When I was touring with my Infinite Way sponsored lectures, many hosts asked me to have closed classes like,Joel Goldsmith used to have. These classes were for the more advanced students. I refused. The whole idea smelled of dualism. Doesn’t it reek of minds many instead of the One Mind? It’s the belief in many minds that appears to out-picture as “I’m the only one in my social circle….”

People Who Know As You Know Are All Around You

I remember a popular Truth teacher saying that you can people your world with the living Christ simply by recognizing that Christ is their reality. Have you tried that? Here’s a way to get started.

For the next seven days, try this. Going about your business as usual, every now and again pick out a person and acknowledge, “You are the Living Christ. You are the Living Understanding of God’s Allness. You know God is All, for you are the Allness knowing Itself.”

Never mind what they seem to be or what they seem to believe. That’s none of your business. Your business is the constant acknowledgment of God’s Allness. It only matters what you know to be true.

As you continue to do this, it will seem like the people around you are changing. They will appear more loving, and their conversations more pleasant. They are not changing. You are seeing their true nature more clearly. It’s wonderful.

Select That One Person

What I’m suggesting next will require a bit more commitment, but what you get in return is priceless.

Select someone in your immediate social circle who does not accept God as the only Presence and Power – at least that’s the way it seems. It may be your spouse or loved one living under the same roof. Or, perhaps you have a close friend who seems to have no interest in God or spiritual matters.

Choose someone who fits one of these profiles. You are going to use them to deepen your awareness of the Truth that Divine Mind (God) is the only Mind. They don’t have to know what you are doing. This is a matter of you knowing the Truth.

Your next step is to pray. You are not praying for them; you are praying to perceive them as they are. There are many ways to approach this, but whatever way you choose, God’s Allness is at the helm. Let’s proceed.

The first approach is easy. Whenever you see your “chosen” person, do what was suggested earlier. Acknowledge: You are the Living Christ. You are the Living Understanding of God’s Allness. You know God is All, for you are the Allness knowing Itself.

At first, it will seem as though you are just saying words – words that don’t appear to be true. Never mind. You know that God is All, and therefore these words must be true.

At some point, a light of understanding will flash in “your” Consciousness. You will know that the words are true. This knowing will change how you perceive this one. But that’s not all. They will seem to change as well. Don’t be surprised when they start holding conversations about God. Don’t be surprised when they blurt out some recent spiritual discovery. And don’t be surprised when your relationship with this person changes for the better.

The Silent Way

This next way is my favorite. Take your “chosen” person into a silent prayer session. You are going to acknowledge what appears to be true, but you won’t stop there. The purpose of this approach is to discover whether the appearance is genuinely true. Let’s say that your chosen person is named Tom. You’ll proceed like this – using your own words.

It appears that Tom has a mind of his own and that he believes that disease, age, lack, limitation and prejudice are really present. Does Tom have a mind of his own that believes there is a presence and power other than God?”

Don’t reason out the answer. Nothing worthwhile will come of it. The answer must be revealed. Wait silently for Consciousness to reveal what is true. It will. You may have to do this a few times, but when the answer is revealed the dynamics of your social life will change.

Give this a try. Put your heart into it. After a few weeks or maybe months, get back to me and let me know how it went for you.

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