Monthly Archives: December 2013

How Many Problems Do You Have?

"Be still and know that I am God"

This is a follow-up to a previous post (So Many Things To Pray About) that partially answered the question “How do you pray when you have so many things to pray about?”

Rather than take you on the scenic route, let’s go straight to the answer. YOU HAVE NO PROBLEMS – NONE!

Just One Problem And That’s Debatable

Take a deep breath, and continue reading. The idea that you have a truckload of problems to pray over is a lie. There is only one SEEMING problem that is disguised as a truckload of problems, and that one problem is the idea that there is something going on in your life other than the Presence, Power, and Activity of Love (God). Reader, isn’t that what the real issue is?

So, take the next step. You know that there is only One Presence and only One Power. Necessarily, there must be only One Mind. You may have called it “my mind”, “his mind”, “her mind”, but these personal tags are only distortions of the Infinite, Indivisible Mind that is God.

Are You Sure You’re Aware Of A Problem?

What does this One Mind know? What can it know but One Presence and One Power? Do you think this One Mind (God) knows anything about a difficulty? See for yourself!

In silent listening prayer, ask your Self these two questions:

  1. “What mind exists that believes there is a presence and power other than God?”
  2. “What mind exists that is aware of these problems?”

Reader, the power is not in the questioning. The power is in the listening. Here is a word of caution: DO NOT MAKE UP YOUR OWN ANSWERS!

The Guarantee

You many have to ask and listen many times, but the revealed answer makes it all worthwhile. I guarantee that once you follow the above suggestions, and once you ask and experience the answer to the above questions, you will:

  • never be knocked off your feet by a seeming problem
  • never feel victimized by life
  • know how to handle any problem that seems to come up
  • have extended days of blissful living

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God Is All E-Course Is Ready

Just a few words about the E-Course. If you have ever taken an e-mail course, you know that the biggest problem is that you may get some lessons and you may not.

To avoid this unnecessary complication, I’ve been advised to make the E-Course a simple, plain-text course.

Go To the Sign-Up Page

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