Monthly Archives: January 2015

What Do These Have In Common?

God Is All - Oneness

Scenario #1

The phone rang. When I answered, a trembling voice said in hushed tones, “Allen, I’m afraid. I’m about to lose my home, and I don’t know what to do.”

Scenario #2

One evening I spoke with a man who punched and whipped himself with a flurry of self-condemning and self-hating words. I thought to myself, I sure hope he’s sitting down, because no one could stand after a beating like this.

He whined and moaned about how long it was taking him to make spiritual progress – if he made any at all.

Scenario #3

A woman sat across from me at the café table. Usually all bubbly and sizzling with positivity, she sat there flat as a glass of day-old champagne. She was facing a health challenge that seemed hopeless.

From our conversation, it sounded like she had resigned herself to a life of unimaginable suffering and certain death.

The Only Mind Knows Only God

Read these scenarios once again. Can you guess the one thing they have in common? And while you are in the question answering mode, below are three more questions:

  1. With what mind was the first woman feeling fearful?
  2. What mind (in the second case) was self-condemning and struggling for enlightenment?
  3. What mind was hopeless?

You are right if you answered none at all. GOD KNOWING ITSELF TO BE ALL is the only Mind that knows anything. It is the only Mind that exists. This Mind (which is your Mind right now) knows the constancy of abundant Supply. This Mind knows that birthless, deathless, ageless, timeless, perfect Substance is the only Substance. This Mind is the constancy of illumined Perception.

What Is Happening vs. What Seems To Be Happening

Let’s go back to that one common thing in each scenario. I’m sure you guessed it already, but here it is: While each seemed to be happening, they weren’t happening at all. God is all that is going on – always.

This post is a springboard for the next post which is an All Hands On Deck post.

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A Special Reader Writes (Insight From Our Editor On Food and Diet)

handwritten letter

Occasionally, Absolutely Yours will feature an “Our Readers Write” post. A reader will share a story of healing or some noteworthy insight. I don’t play favorites, but this post comes from a special reader, Brenda Becker. Brenda is the copy-editor for Absolutely Yours. I can’t blog without her. Her suggestion reveals tremendous insight about food, diet, health, and Substance.


The topic of the new year is often about diet/nutrition – that kind of responsibility. And the pressure on people in this country is to try for balance or focus on portions of protein, fats, carbs, etc., usually for health/added health or beauty/added beauty.

So many of us intend to “be good”, “be good at”, or “be fully intelligent” regarding our meals 3 times a day. Thus, it is a hot-topic for many during these first 30 days of January.

I was contemplating that the body and the vitamin pill contain exactly the same substance. So, I was asking myself, why do we need to replenish the former with the latter? Is there a lack or diminishment over a certain number of days that needs to be replenished or shifted from one to the other within the One? Does the All need replenishment? And if so, how would adding the One to the One get the job done?

There is so much pressure to fuel or re-fuel the body, and laced with that is the social responsibility to “replenish” or “work-on” our friendships at the same time by accepting invitations over brunch or at the coffee shop, planning holiday meals to delight, or the social opposite of “comfort” food in isolation.

We are always concerned with this replenishing factor as if the water off the coast of San Francisco need supply, somehow, the water off the coast of Seattle. Yet, the one substance doesn’t deplete or diminish, nor does it burn up or fade its vitality.

Might you do a blog on this “replenishment” factor? It might be interesting to read your take on how unnecessary it truly is, or, maybe, how necessary it truly is? ??????????

Just an idea for discussion at this time of the year.

Thanks in advance for considering.

Brenda B.

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2014’s Must-Read Posts (The Top 5)


Before I write the first post of 2015, I took a look at the posts from last year and pulled out 5 posts that deserve a second, and perhaps third, read. Here they are below: