Category Archives: Mind

Accept and Acknowledge This — Often

This excerpt is by Lillian DeWaters, an early author of the Absolute.

When you find a teaching which proclaims, I am the living Truth, then you have heard the real Jesus-Christ-Message which is destined to free you .

Jesus taught, “I am the Truth,” while the present day teaching regarding your self is to the contrary; for you have been taught to believe that you are not the Truth, – but man, the student; not Life, – but its expression; not the Way – but the follower of it.

What a difference it makes to your vision and experience to be the Truth and the Life, rather than a student applying Truth to your problem! So long as you consider yourself a student shall you find yourself confronted with problems. For are not problems part of the life of a student?

If you seek knowledge, what shall be the knowledge that will completely satisfy you? Surely nothing but the established-from-the-beginning fact that I, myself, am the Way the Truth, and the Life.

The facts which Jesus taught about himself must inevitably be the ones which you are to see as true of your self, else what advantage are they to you?

Definitely, the greatest fact you can learn is the knowledge that you are the living Truth. As you come into the positive and luminous awareness of this eternal verity, all lesser viewpoints are bound to completely leave you.

Jesus knew that he was the Truth Itself, the Life Itself, the Way Itself, and he said so. He took this stand as the fact of Being, thus nothing could ever hurt him, affect or destroy him. Let people think they could lay hold of him. They found themselves grasping at thin air. Let them attempt to kill him. They saw him walking about in their midst, unharmed.

All things may appear to change and vary; but true Being remains ever the same. It holds Itself invincible, infallible, indissoluble; true and absolute, always.

Until you see and feel that you are the Truth … and not man, the idea or student … you shall always be trying to get out of difficulties called problems.

To the Truth, all is perfection; and to the one Being, all is the perfect Whole. Thus for you to ever be perfect, changeless, pure and incorruptible, you must now be the Truth, and nothing less.

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Having A Hard Time With Silent Prayer?

Allen, you write so much about silent prayer, but I find it difficult. Every time I give it a try all kinds of thoughts pop up. One time my prom date popped up, and I hadn’t seen or heard from him in thirty years. Can you give me some suggestions to help with these thoughts?

Like other Truth “teachers,” I speak and write about the importance of silent prayer. Because I believe it is an essential practice, I hammer away at the nail of silent prayer like a crazed carpenter. Silent prayer is important, but it’s not the end goal. Silent prayer is a means to an end, and that end is Revelation. And nothing facilitates Divine Revelation like silent prayer.

But, as the questioner points out, silent prayer has its challenges. The main challenge is handling those random, unrelated thoughts that buzz around in your mind while you’re trying to listen to the “still small voice.” Here’s how most have handled it: They stopped doing it. That’s not a wise choice. Without the practice of silent prayer, you can believe God is All, you can affirm God’s Allness, but you can never know that God is All. That truth must be revealed, and silent prayer expedites that Revelation.

In past writings, I’ve suggested many ways to deal with these busy-bee thoughts. In one post, I urged you to stop trying to still your mind. That is a game you cannot win. In this post, I’m sharing what I’ve found to be the least frustrating and the most effective practice to deal with those pesky, unwanted thoughts.

When your silent session begins, know that thoughts will come up. Let them. That’s right. Don’t fight them. Don’t try to mentally swat them away. Just let them come. However, at the outset know this: THOUGHTS HAVE NO POWER TO OBSTRUCT, HINDER OR DELAY MY REALIZATION OF GOD.

Isn’t that comforting? Because those irksome thoughts have no power to obstruct Revelation, you don’t have to fight them. They are no longer your enemy. They are powerless. You may have to refocus your attention many times, but the fighting is over.

Have you ever watched the sun peek through the clouds? That’s how Revelation emerges through a cloud of unwanted thoughts. It’s a beautiful experience, but you will only know it once you’ve tried it.

Don’t give up on silent prayer. Try this approach for a few weeks and see for yourself how effective it is.

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Revelation Made Simple


I’ve been accused of hammering away at one idea: Revelation is important. But not too long ago someone said to me,“Allen, I haven’t experienced Revelation. What do I do in the meantime – while I’m waiting?” The question had me hunting down the hallways of my memory to find out what I did in the meantime. This post is dedicated to anyone waiting in the meantime.

Because it reveals God’s Presence, Revelation is important. When you’re in the flaming fire of a hard time, God seems to be missing in action. Revelation pulls back the curtain of this illusion and exposes the glory of God’s Perfect Presence and Activity. That’s the power of Revelation. Furthermore, if you want a good God education, Revelation is the best way.

Still, the question remains: What do I do in the meantime? Below are some ideas to consider.

Revelation Is A Natural And Normal Experience

Would you be surprised to find fish in the ocean? Why not? Because water is their natural habitat. Think about this. God is the only Mind there is, and there is no other. This Mind is always in a state of Self-Awareness, and it is your Mind. It is the Mind of everyone. Your Mind is constantly aware of God being All. For this reason, Revelation is a natural and normal experience. Just as you expect to find fish in the ocean, expect Revelation to be a natural experience.

Stop thinking of Revelation as a supernatural experience granted to a chosen few. It’s a self-defeating and Revelation-delaying lie.

What about the human mind? Think of the human (mortal) mind just as you do the crescent moon. The crescent moon is an incomplete view of the full moon. The human mind is an incomplete experience of the One Mind. When someone reports they had a Revelation, they simply had a fleeting experience of their full Mind – their only Mind. Catch a glimpse of this fact, and Revelations last longer and happen more frequently.

You Are The Revelation

The common belief is that Revelation comes to you from a faraway God. But you know better than that. You know God is the essence of your Being.

Revelation does not come to you. Since Revelation exists as your Mind, you are the Revelation. Think about what this means.

  • You don’t have to wait a lifetime to experience Revelation.
  • You don’t have to deserve the experience.
  • You can experience Revelation anytime and anywhere.
  • You are the Revelation of every Truth that is revealed.

Give Up The Guilt

You’ve tried to experience Revelation. For years you have been hoping for it, and now it seems hopeless. Why do you think you haven’t experienced Revelation? What reasons can you come up with? Do you believe God is withholding Revelation because of that “bad” thing you did in the past? Or do you have other reasons?

Whatever reason you can come up with, it’s nonsense. Nothing can separate you from the “Voice of Revelation.” Why? Because it’s “your” Consciousness that is the Revelation.

Take a moment to make a mental list of all the reasons you think Revelation has been delayed. Next, mentally chuck that list into an imaginary trash can and be done with it.

Sink Into Revelation

Revelation and tension are like light and dark. You’ll never find them in the same place at the same time. Yet so many so-called Truth students’ prayers are riddled with tension.

Their prayer starts off well. Ideas of Truth are contemplated. All is well. When their contemplation ends, and silent listening begins, there’s an effortful reaching out for the Light of Revelation. It’s as if Revelation is something outside of their Being that must be grabbed and held. It’s not.

Revelation is the essence of “your” Consciousness. There’s no need to reach out. Sink into the experience like you would an overstuffed chair.

In The Meantime

There was a time when I hoped, prayed and waited for Revelation. I did everything I’ve advised you not to do. Yet, one day it happened. Truth was revealed. It was the best experience I have ever had. True, there have been many Revelations since then, but the first time always seems the best time.

Here’s what I did – in the “meantime.” Every day I contemplated the one Truth that spoke to me: God is All. As I contemplated this statement, I had no agenda to use it for personal benefit. I followed each contemplation with a period of silent listening. I asked God to Reveal Itself to me in a clear and unmistakable way. And that’s what happened.

I once read this statement: “If you keep on making statements of Truth, it will gradually lead to realization.” All day long I thought about God being All. No effort was involved. Many have found that keeping a Truth statement percolating throughout the day leads to Revelation. But be careful.

This is not like using affirmations to improve your situation. You’ll spin your wheels and go nowhere. It’s better to choose a statement of Truth you would like to understand more clearly. Let it percolate throughout the day. Just be sure to take your statement into silent prayer. If you follow these suggestions (all of them), Revelation is inevitable.

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Hungry Or Fulfilled?

The human mind is besotted with hunger over many issues. Hunger for fame, self-actualization, sensual gratification, peace of mind, company and so forth.

The fact that hunger seems to be the leitmotiv of the human mind should alert us to the obvious truth that as long as the sense of hunger persists, the Divine Mind which is absent of hunger, because it knows only completeness and contentment, cannot be evidenced. Hunger shuts out the Divine sense because it is the antipode of the Divine Mind.

Last week the above quote arrived in my mailbox from Christian Science Practitioner Anthony Whitehouse. Anthony is based in Switzerland. I thought it would be good to explore and clarify what he wrote.

It’s true. The so-called human mind is always hungry for something. Its constant cry is, “I want, I need, and I don’t have.” This mind functions in the fiction of lack and limitation.

You cannot stop the incessant yearning of the human mind, and you certainly cannot overcome it. But you can realize its nothingness. You can realize this supposititious mind is not your Mind, nor is it the Mind of anyone.

The human mind is pure illusion. Its perceived emptiness and neediness are also illusions. All of it is nothing – no thing at all.

God, the One and only Mind, is “your” Mind, and it functions in and as this Truth: I have All because I AM All.

Every time you seem to hunger for anything, that hunger signifies (as you have already guessed) the Presence of fulfillment – not lack.

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Conquer The Fear

How are you feeling about Vladimir Putin these days? Some people are afraid that he will turn his attention to the United States and trigger a nuclear war. Do you fear a war coming on? I promised a reader that my next post will be about Putin and a possible war. This is a very short post with a crucial message.

If you are fearing an impending war, your first order of business is to conquer your fear. Fear is not natural to your Being. The words of the Holy Bible are true: “God has not given you the spirit of fear.”

The Mind of God – your Mind – does not fear. It knows, “I am the Lord and beside me, there is no other.” Do you have an other mind? No, you don’t.

Let’s review the basic facts of life. God is All – the only Presence, Power and Manifestation. God is the only Mind or Intelligence. The One Mind is the I AM that you Are.

What does this Mind know? I AM ALL. Where does that leave fear and the one who fears? Fear and the identity that thinks it fears are both illusions. Have you ever been inside a hall of mirrors? Each mirror reflects a hilarious distortion of your body. The distorted image is not your body. Similarly, the fearful identity and the fear itself are distortions of your fearless Identity. They are not you. Can you accept this truth? Can you accept that the Allness of God is All there is of you? Answer in the affirmative and you’ve taken the first step to conquering the appearance of fear.

Here’s a suggestion. Get still with only the desire to experience (or know) God’s Presence – the I AM of your Being. If you must start with words to “settle in,” do so. At some point, let the words stop and simply pray, “Reveal my Self.” Listen intently and expectantly. A sweet Peace will sweep over you. This Peace is your I AM. Revel in it. This may only take a few minutes, but they are minutes well spent.

Later, ask yourself, “During this silent time, did I fear anything or anyone?” Your answer will certainly be, “No.” This is your true state of Being. Accept no other.

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Are You The Only One?

Allen, I don’t feel like I have any spiritual support. I’m the only one in the household who believes this stuff. It’s difficult. What do you suggest?

Finding People Who Believe As You Do

I’ve heard this question, expressed in different words, a zillion times. Since I started Absolutely Yours, people have written or called telling me how they are the only ones in their family or social circle who are into the Absolute (God is all there is). Whether they write or call, you can sense a desperate cry to find people “who believe as I do.”

The Allness Of God Is All –You’re Not The Only One

Getting back to the writer. She writes, “I’m the only one who believes this stuff.” [Let’s both ignore the word “stuff.”] Her own admission is the root of the problem. She claims she believes that God is All. Beliefs, as I’ve always said, are like weather vanes. They constantly change according to the winds of emotion or external influence. Reader, you have to know that God is All – not merely believe it. When you know it, you know that All means all. It doesn’t just include everyone in your social circle. The Allness of God is everyone in your social circle.

The One that is All is the one and only Mind that exists. Yes, it’s true: The Truth knowing Mind is the only Mind. There is no other. There is no mind that doesn’t know God to be All there is.

Is There One Mind Or Minds Many?

When I was touring with my Infinite Way sponsored lectures, many hosts asked me to have closed classes like,Joel Goldsmith used to have. These classes were for the more advanced students. I refused. The whole idea smelled of dualism. Doesn’t it reek of minds many instead of the One Mind? It’s the belief in many minds that appears to out-picture as “I’m the only one in my social circle….”

People Who Know As You Know Are All Around You

I remember a popular Truth teacher saying that you can people your world with the living Christ simply by recognizing that Christ is their reality. Have you tried that? Here’s a way to get started.

For the next seven days, try this. Going about your business as usual, every now and again pick out a person and acknowledge, “You are the Living Christ. You are the Living Understanding of God’s Allness. You know God is All, for you are the Allness knowing Itself.”

Never mind what they seem to be or what they seem to believe. That’s none of your business. Your business is the constant acknowledgment of God’s Allness. It only matters what you know to be true.

As you continue to do this, it will seem like the people around you are changing. They will appear more loving, and their conversations more pleasant. They are not changing. You are seeing their true nature more clearly. It’s wonderful.

Select That One Person

What I’m suggesting next will require a bit more commitment, but what you get in return is priceless.

Select someone in your immediate social circle who does not accept God as the only Presence and Power – at least that’s the way it seems. It may be your spouse or loved one living under the same roof. Or, perhaps you have a close friend who seems to have no interest in God or spiritual matters.

Choose someone who fits one of these profiles. You are going to use them to deepen your awareness of the Truth that Divine Mind (God) is the only Mind. They don’t have to know what you are doing. This is a matter of you knowing the Truth.

Your next step is to pray. You are not praying for them; you are praying to perceive them as they are. There are many ways to approach this, but whatever way you choose, God’s Allness is at the helm. Let’s proceed.

The first approach is easy. Whenever you see your “chosen” person, do what was suggested earlier. Acknowledge: You are the Living Christ. You are the Living Understanding of God’s Allness. You know God is All, for you are the Allness knowing Itself.

At first, it will seem as though you are just saying words – words that don’t appear to be true. Never mind. You know that God is All, and therefore these words must be true.

At some point, a light of understanding will flash in “your” Consciousness. You will know that the words are true. This knowing will change how you perceive this one. But that’s not all. They will seem to change as well. Don’t be surprised when they start holding conversations about God. Don’t be surprised when they blurt out some recent spiritual discovery. And don’t be surprised when your relationship with this person changes for the better.

The Silent Way

This next way is my favorite. Take your “chosen” person into a silent prayer session. You are going to acknowledge what appears to be true, but you won’t stop there. The purpose of this approach is to discover whether the appearance is genuinely true. Let’s say that your chosen person is named Tom. You’ll proceed like this – using your own words.

It appears that Tom has a mind of his own and that he believes that disease, age, lack, limitation and prejudice are really present. Does Tom have a mind of his own that believes there is a presence and power other than God?”

Don’t reason out the answer. Nothing worthwhile will come of it. The answer must be revealed. Wait silently for Consciousness to reveal what is true. It will. You may have to do this a few times, but when the answer is revealed the dynamics of your social life will change.

Give this a try. Put your heart into it. After a few weeks or maybe months, get back to me and let me know how it went for you.

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Knowing The Freeing Truth


That Old Feeling

The feeling that an all-powerful God is sheltering us in His loving arms while we go through dark and troubled times is a comforting feeling – I guess. Note the word feeling.

Many have moved from the traditional idea of God as a being separate and apart from them to an understanding that God is All. “But Allen,” they complain, “I miss that comforting feeling I got from my old-time religion God.”

Did Those Feelings Help You?

Those comforting feelings of a Savior leading you beside still waters and making you lie down in green pastures, how did that work for you? Did those feelings eliminate the pain or merely make it more endurable? Did those feelings “cure” the cancer? Did they put money in the bank account?

Feelings Defined

Think about it. Feelings are based on a reaction to some real or imagined circumstance. Psychology Today defines a feeling this way: “Feelings can be defined as a person’s response to the emotion that comes from the perception of a situation.” Feelings are always at the mercy of something seemingly outside of yourself. Yes, sometimes even a “God” outside of yourself.

God Is Changeless

Feelings are like weather vanes – constantly changing with the currents of “outer” stimulation. Yet your Holy Bible reveals a changeless God – “I am the Lord thy God, and I change not.” The mere fact that feelings are changeable is a clue that they have nothing to do with God – a changeless God. Changeable feelings about a changeless God is an indication that we’ve headed down a dark pathway toward a dead end. Stop!

The Power Is In The Knowing

Knowledge is power. You’ve heard that said. Christ Jesus said it this way, “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.”

Do you need to be free from lack? Know the Truth.
Do you need to be free from some hopeless situation? Know the Truth.
Do you need to be free from a dis-ease? Know the Truth.

That’s the power of Knowledge. Christ Jesus did not say you shall feel a particular way and your feelings will free you. He said, “You shall know the truth.” And that truth sets you free.

There is, as you know, a difference between merely saying “I am the Presence of Infinite Goodness” and experiencing this as a living fact. It’s one thing to feel this statement is true, but another to KNOW it is true.

Every statement of Truth you’ve ever read will be just a statement – one that even a well-trained parrot can repeat. Saying the statement can give you a rush of good feelings. However, in times of seeming trouble, those statements will be as effective as fighting a lion with a feather duster. Conversely, when you KNOW that the statement you are saying is the absolute Truth, it fleshes itself out as a living reality in your experience.

Giving Up The Lesser For The Greater

Although there lacks that feeling of a helping, saving and comforting God, you have redeemed it for something of greater value: KNOWLEDGE. And with this KNOWLEDGE is FREEDOM. But don’t be confused. This is not a freedom from some illusory power. It is a freedom to enjoy the majesty of your True nature.

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There Is No Believer In Evil


I’ve been asked why I never quote anything from Science and Health — the Christian Science textbook. It is undoubtedly a great book. Today I’ve chosen to quote from Arthur Corey, one of the brightest lights in the Christian Science movement.

Problems Are Truth Misread

When you reach the point where you know that all the errors appearing must be truths misread, you begin to realize the futility of handling appearances alone. Stopping with effects, you would fail to handle the underlying cause, so that it is like fighting the hydra-headed monster who shows another head or two for every one you cut off. To recognize that Truth perverted becomes the creator of error, is to imply a perverter.

A wrong sense of something indicates that there must be a wrong see-er, does it not? You may have to first recognize the devil’s lies as lies, in order to see who’s talking, but your work is not done until you have disposed of the devil himself. The fundamental claim is that there is someone or something to misapprehend or misrepresent divinity, and this claim is uncovered by the analysis and exposure of the lie as such.

If God Is All, There Is No Believer In Troubles

Again, to say that an error is only a belief is to admit a believer; and until you dispose of the believer, you are going to have either this troublesome belief or some other before you. You can’t alter the image in a mirror without getting at the thing imaged forth. Effect can be influenced only by way of its cause. The claim in every last instance is that there is an evil cause or believer, and so you are obliged each time to analyze the effect to uncover the fundamental error as the claim that there is an evil thinker and that this mind is yours. In human experience, this analytic approach must precede the realization of Mind as infinite and divine, inclusive of all reality and exclusive of all evil.

It may be superfluous to again reiterate that matter does not taste, feel, hear, smell, see or think, so matter cannot be the complainant. Doesn’t the claim always come to you as, “I see a sick man,” or “I see myself as sick, or material, finite, limited?” What is this I? Surely the divine Mind cannot know or experience anything contrary to its own infinitely flawless and harmonious nature. “Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity.” (Habakkuk 1:13). What is this other I or ego which seems to interpose itself? The claim that there is a conceiver or experiencer of evil is the claim we name “mortal mind,” and it is the root at which we must lay the ax, or the evil will but sprout forth in another form for us.

Are You Still Asking About The Reasons For Your Troubles?

Asking why error exists implies that it does exist as an actuality, and from that standpoint it is impossible to perceive that it cannot really be. The attitude that demands an explanation of the non-existent excludes the understanding of existence. You will never understand nothingness so long as you try to account for it as somethingness, whether in belief or otherwise, for “error” is simply a name for nothing. Mathematical understanding is not achieved through trying to explain the errors, but only by seeking the truths. Automatically thereby the errors are explained away, so that you are no longer handicapped by them. Finding God as All leaves nothing else to explain. There may be an intermediate period when you are conscious of both Truth and error, but you cannot climb up out of this while preoccupied with the error .

Rectify The Inversion

When assailed with the claim that your Mind is finite, material, mortal, counter that with the confident assertion that this that is Mind unfolding as your consciousness must be infinite, spiritual, divine, and that it cannot unfold negatively as anything else but itself and in accord with its divine nature. To see that evil mind and all its forms are divine Mind inverted – but divine Mind – is to rectify the inversion, and to find yourself truly alone with God, and all the hateful aspects of mortality fading away. “This is Life eternal” – and this is divine Mind. Appropriate your heritage through your God-given authority.


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The Coronavirus Post


The coronavirus seems to have a tight grip on the world, and everyone is trying to wriggle free of it. Those of enlightened Consciousness are asking, “What can I do to help the world?” Others are asking, “As one alone, is there any point in praying?”

Reader, you are not powerless. You, knowing that God is All, have all the Power of God on your side. You can’t ask for more, but you have to know it. Don’t believe for a second that you lack enough understanding and knowledge to be of help in these seemingly dark times. You know all you need to know.

For now, I’m turning your attention to 2 Timothy verse 7:

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind.”

Wonderful! But the gold in this verse is in the spiritual Truth that lies beneath the words. Let’s you and I do a little digging and see what we find.

The Fearless Mind

You know there is only One Presence – God. Necessarily, there must be, and is, only One Mind! God is this Mind. This Mind is your Mind. It is the Mind of every Identity on the face of this planet. This Mind is the “sound mind” that Paul writes about in his letter to Timothy.

The One Mind – your Mind – knows Itself to be All. It knows there is no other Presence to oppose or threaten it. For this reason, it is a fearless Mind. What is there to fear? No-thing.

Do you really want to help? In your daily contemplation of God’s Allness, know that the One Mind is the Mind of all. Know that despite all appearances, there is (and can be) no fearing Mind spooked by the appearance of a viral epidemic. Despite the mask-wearing faces you see on the screen, and the panic-stricken voice you hear on the phone, know that there is no mind operating in fear. There is only One Mind.

For the next several days, contemplate the ideas you’ve just read. This will help, but there’s more to consider.

Spiritually Healing The World

You want to help heal the world? Then, this question must be answered: What is spiritual healing?

Spiritual healing is the Revelation of God’s Allness right where sickness appears to be. That’s all it is.

For years Alistair McCrory suffered with a lung disease. After a few steps from the bedroom to the bathroom he had to stop to rest. At the suggestion of a friend, Alistair called a Practitioner for spiritual healing.

Did the Practitioner pray to remove diseased lungs and replace them with healthy lungs? Sounds ideal, but that’s not how spiritual healing works. No! The Practitioner turned completely away from caller and complaint to focus her attention on God’s Allness. At some point, she attained an absolute certainty that God Activity is all that is going on – anywhere.

That certainty, or Revelation, is the healing. Soon, Alistair called back. “What did you do? I am completely healed.” Spiritual healing is simply the healing of a mis-perception that something is going on other than God.

Does Size Matter?

Indulge me for a moment while I ask you some simple questions. They’re going somewhere wonderful.

Imagine that you’re sitting in front of table with only two white golf balls on it. Someone puts two more on the table. How many golf balls are there? Four. That’s the principle of mathematics: two plus two equals four.

Now, forget the golf balls. Imagine you’re standing outdoors. Two elephants walk in front of you. A few seconds later, two more elephants arrive on the scene. How many elephants are there? Four. Again it goes back to the basic principle of mathematics. The size of the object involved does not change the principle.

Similarly, Spiritual Principle (God is All) does not change because of the size of the appearance. Neither does the healing approach.

A zit on the face is a flaw. But it can’t be. The Spiritual Principle states that Omnipresent Perfection (God) is all. The zit is nothing, and because the appearance appears to be very small in scale, it’s easy to perceive its nothingness.

A virus is frightening and threatening the health of the citizens of the world. That’s the appearance. It is as much nothing as the zit. Go back to the golf balls and the elephants. In this case, the zit is the golf ball and the virus is the elephant. The size of the appearance does not make the virus less NOTHING than the zit.

Realizing the nothingness of nothing is all there is to spiritual healing whether it pertains to an individual body, or the body of an entire planet.

Rather than praying to heal the world, let your Consciousness reveal more clearly that Omnipresent Perfection is the only Presence, Power and Evidence. Let your Consciousness reveal with unshakeable certainty the Only-ness of God right where a life-threatening virus seems to be.

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