Tag Archives: prayer

The Books and How To Read Them

All over the world, people are buying Sounds of the Trumpet and God is All. Both books are having an uptick in sales. To piggyback on this wonderful activity, I decided to write this post on how to get the most out of these books. Although I think it’s a great idea to read each book from cover to cover, your busy schedule may not permit that. So, below are my suggestions for the must-reads from both books.

God Is All

I know that you want your prayers to be effective – to yield practical results. Perhaps you, like many others, have tried many ways of praying and none of them “worked.” God is All can, I assure you, help you to pray more effectively.

Because this book is a short read, the temptation is to start with Chapter 1 and read to the end. Don’t do it. I suggest that you start with Chapter 3: Conscious Awareness. This chapter is the foundation for an effective spiritual practice, and it addresses most of your prayer questions, such as:

  • What is prayer?
  • How to pray?
  • How to pray when you have so many things to pray about?
  • What constitutes effective prayer?

After you’ve read Chapter 3, go back to Chapter 1. The order in which you read the remaining chapters is up to you.

Sounds of the Trumpet

This is a longer book with shorter chapters. If I renamed this book, the title would be Spirituality Made Practical. Many of the 30-plus chapters address issues you face in daily life. Each chapter is great and has its own merit. However, for your convenience I made a list below of must-read chapters.

Spiritual Living Day By Day

This is the first chapter of Sounds of the Trumpet. It is a basic primer on living Truth principles every waking hour. The Holy Bible states, “Thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.” This chapter gives you tips on how to do that.

David And Goliath (1 and 2)

These two chapters reveal a spiritual approach to resolving any problem. The magnitude of the problem does not matter.

Rebuilding The Immune System

For the last few years, immunity has been a hot topic. From herbal concoctions to questionable shots, people are trying to stay disease-free. This chapter deals with total immunity – from disaster as well as disease.

Heavenly Bliss

How do you effectively restore a fractured or broken relationship? What is the key to trouble-free relationships? This chapter gives a failproof answer to these questions.


This disciple doubted that Christ rose from the dead and demanded proof. Now he is known as “Doubting Thomas.”  This chapter reveals that the Thomas mindset can be a good thing. It can make the difference between merely reading Truth and seeing the visible evidence of Truth.

The Temple Of God

This chapter is about your Body. And what a wonderful Body it is! Yes, this chapter deals with the real nature of your Body as a spiritual presence.


Whichever book and chapters you read, remember this: THESE BOOKS ARE TO BE LIVED AND NOT MERELY READ.

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Pain, Pain Go Away

“Lately, Allen, I’ve been in a lot of pain. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’m averaging a 20. If you were in my shoes, how would you deal with this spiritually?”

You Don’t Have To Put Up With Pain

Pain seems to be an invincible opponent. It even boasts the power to derail your best attempts to pray, leaving you spiritually defenseless – like a declawed cat fighting a rottweiler. I have experienced the kind of pain the reader mentions, and I assure you that you can eliminate this deceptive presence. Not merely cope with it, but completely eliminate it. It’s a challenge, but you can meet it.

The Holy Bible says, “With God all things are possible.” Here’s my paraphrase: With God’s Allness as your starting point, it’s possible to prove the nothingness of anything unlike God – even pain.

This Denial Did Work, … However

I started my journey to the Absolute, like many of our readers, by way of metaphysics – affirmations and denials. In my late teens I latched onto this denial “Pain, sickness, poverty, old age and death cannot master me, for they are not real.” Whenever I seemed to experience any type of body pain, I reached for that denial. Not because I expected it to work magic on the pain, but because I felt the statement was true. Pain is not real. It always worked … until it didn’t.

I Had To Do Something Different

One day I lay in bed curled up like a cocktail shrimp. The pain was at the 20-level. This went on for more than 24 hours. I repeated the denial over and over, but the pain didn’t subside. I knew more was needed.

Curled up in pain, I said, “Allen, God is all you have, so let’s resolve this.” I prayed, “God, it appears that I’m in great pain. My joints, even my organs hurt. Is this true? Am I really experiencing this pain?” I was not addressing a God outside of me, but rather the God of my Being. Essentially, I was talking to my Self.

I was so intent on knowing the answer to my question that I momentarily forgot about the pain. Throughout the night I questioned and listened. It seemed as though nothing was happening. Then, like a dark room that is suddenly flooded with sunlight, “my” Consciousness was flooded with Peace. I basked in it for as long as I could. As you’ve probably guessed, the pain was gone and never returned.

Do You Know What Pain Signifies?

Since then, I have experienced pain, but my attitude toward it has changed. For those of you who’ve read Marie Watts’ You Are the Splendor, I’m sure you remember the analogy of the dinner bell.

The dinner bell was once used to alert the household that dinner was ready. When the dinner bell rang, you stopped whatever you were doing and rushed to the dinner table. The dinner bell alerted you to a tasty meal. Once everyone was seated around the table, the bell stopped ringing. Its job was done.

Pain, like any problem, is not a bad thing. It’s the dinner bell that is alerting you to something wonderful – the Presence of God. No, God is not causing the pain, but the pain (like any other problem) signals there is a God-fact waiting to come forth in your awareness. As soon as the God-fact is known, the pain stops. The pain has done its job.

Essentially, pain or any other problem is saying, “Hey Johnny, I have something new to reveal about God’s Presence, and you really need to know this.” Like the family responds to the dinner bell by coming to the table, you respond to the pain (bell) by “listening” prayer.

Getting Rid Of The Pain Is Not The Point

But you must be mindful of your goal. The goal is not to get rid of the pain. Your aim is to discover the Truth the pain is drawing your attention to. In prayer you may ask, “What is the Truth I need to know?” Although it is possible for the answer to be revealed in an instant, you may have to do this many times throughout the day.

Many readers of my books and this blog tell me that they’ve tried this approach but the pain or problem didn’t go away. I always answer with this question: “What Truth did you discover?” If the answer is none, they weren’t done. Following the suggestion of this post, you must be focused on the discovery and not the relief from your condition.

Reader, heed this advice: Don’t tie your feet before you start the race. Do not permit yourself to think, “My pain is so great I can’t get still.” You can. And you will prove to yourself that not only can you get still to “hear,” but you can experience moments of bliss.

Should you ever seem to be in pain, or should an insurmountable problem pop up, give this approach a try. It works!

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Have A Lot Of Problems? Try Praying This Way

One of our readers asked this question: If there are multiple appearances, is the intention to get clarity one at a time or all inclusive?

She Was Drowning In Problems And Didn’t Know How To Pray

The third chapter of my first book, God is All, opens with the story of Alice Ross. Her cheating husband left her with two sick children and a sister strung out on drugs. She’s unemployed and about to lose her home. Her friends tell her, “Don’t worry, just pray about it,” but Alice doesn’t know where to start. She thinks to herself, “I have so many problems, I don’t know what to pray about first.”

Many people seem to be in Alice’s situation. There are so many problems; they don’t know where to start. When they focus their prayers on one situation, the others get worse. In faith, they soldier on, but it seems like a losing battle.

How do you solve this problem? How do you pray when it appears you are drowning in problems?

Don’t Pray About The Wrong Problem

Years ago, I was working on a challenging piece by Chopin. The fingers must move up and down the keyboard at a dizzying speed. There were many challenging sections. I thought the problems were a weak fourth finger, lack of finger independence, and a lazy thumb. I worked for weeks on these problems, but nothing improved.

Frustrated, I sat down at the keyboard to examine my approach more carefully. I made a startling discovery. I had only one problem – wrist rotation. Once I corrected that, I was flying up and down the keyboard faster than a cheetah chasing a gazelle.

The point of this story is that in every case where it seems like you have many problems, you have only one. When you correct the one, you resolve them all. The problem, obviously, is not wrist rotation, but it is THE BARBARIC BELIEF THAT THERE IS A PRESENCE AND POWER OTHER THAN GOD.

When you think you are drowning in a sea of problems, there is only one problem – the belief that there is another presence, power, or activity other than God. Do you want to handle all of your problems with a single prayer? Pray to discern God’s Presence as the entirety of your Life.

Prayer That Gets To The Root Of The Problem

Your prayer could look like this (using your own words, of course): “God let me discern your Presence in and as every area of ‘my’ Life.” You can shorten this by praying, “God, all I want is you. Reveal Thyself.” Just be mindful that you are not addressing a God outside of you.

Never mind the seeming dualism in this prayer. That will be handled with the realization of God’s Presence. Now you may be wondering how often to pray this prayer. The answer is simple: until God reveals Itself in a clear and unmistakable way.

The first time you try this and your problems are resolved, you’ll probably think, “It’s like magic. I didn’t even have to think about my problems and they all disappeared.” From then on, you’ll never have to worry about how many problems you seem to have. All that matters is a clear realization that God is All.

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Revelation Made Simple


I’ve been accused of hammering away at one idea: Revelation is important. But not too long ago someone said to me,“Allen, I haven’t experienced Revelation. What do I do in the meantime – while I’m waiting?” The question had me hunting down the hallways of my memory to find out what I did in the meantime. This post is dedicated to anyone waiting in the meantime.

Because it reveals God’s Presence, Revelation is important. When you’re in the flaming fire of a hard time, God seems to be missing in action. Revelation pulls back the curtain of this illusion and exposes the glory of God’s Perfect Presence and Activity. That’s the power of Revelation. Furthermore, if you want a good God education, Revelation is the best way.

Still, the question remains: What do I do in the meantime? Below are some ideas to consider.

Revelation Is A Natural And Normal Experience

Would you be surprised to find fish in the ocean? Why not? Because water is their natural habitat. Think about this. God is the only Mind there is, and there is no other. This Mind is always in a state of Self-Awareness, and it is your Mind. It is the Mind of everyone. Your Mind is constantly aware of God being All. For this reason, Revelation is a natural and normal experience. Just as you expect to find fish in the ocean, expect Revelation to be a natural experience.

Stop thinking of Revelation as a supernatural experience granted to a chosen few. It’s a self-defeating and Revelation-delaying lie.

What about the human mind? Think of the human (mortal) mind just as you do the crescent moon. The crescent moon is an incomplete view of the full moon. The human mind is an incomplete experience of the One Mind. When someone reports they had a Revelation, they simply had a fleeting experience of their full Mind – their only Mind. Catch a glimpse of this fact, and Revelations last longer and happen more frequently.

You Are The Revelation

The common belief is that Revelation comes to you from a faraway God. But you know better than that. You know God is the essence of your Being.

Revelation does not come to you. Since Revelation exists as your Mind, you are the Revelation. Think about what this means.

  • You don’t have to wait a lifetime to experience Revelation.
  • You don’t have to deserve the experience.
  • You can experience Revelation anytime and anywhere.
  • You are the Revelation of every Truth that is revealed.

Give Up The Guilt

You’ve tried to experience Revelation. For years you have been hoping for it, and now it seems hopeless. Why do you think you haven’t experienced Revelation? What reasons can you come up with? Do you believe God is withholding Revelation because of that “bad” thing you did in the past? Or do you have other reasons?

Whatever reason you can come up with, it’s nonsense. Nothing can separate you from the “Voice of Revelation.” Why? Because it’s “your” Consciousness that is the Revelation.

Take a moment to make a mental list of all the reasons you think Revelation has been delayed. Next, mentally chuck that list into an imaginary trash can and be done with it.

Sink Into Revelation

Revelation and tension are like light and dark. You’ll never find them in the same place at the same time. Yet so many so-called Truth students’ prayers are riddled with tension.

Their prayer starts off well. Ideas of Truth are contemplated. All is well. When their contemplation ends, and silent listening begins, there’s an effortful reaching out for the Light of Revelation. It’s as if Revelation is something outside of their Being that must be grabbed and held. It’s not.

Revelation is the essence of “your” Consciousness. There’s no need to reach out. Sink into the experience like you would an overstuffed chair.

In The Meantime

There was a time when I hoped, prayed and waited for Revelation. I did everything I’ve advised you not to do. Yet, one day it happened. Truth was revealed. It was the best experience I have ever had. True, there have been many Revelations since then, but the first time always seems the best time.

Here’s what I did – in the “meantime.” Every day I contemplated the one Truth that spoke to me: God is All. As I contemplated this statement, I had no agenda to use it for personal benefit. I followed each contemplation with a period of silent listening. I asked God to Reveal Itself to me in a clear and unmistakable way. And that’s what happened.

I once read this statement: “If you keep on making statements of Truth, it will gradually lead to realization.” All day long I thought about God being All. No effort was involved. Many have found that keeping a Truth statement percolating throughout the day leads to Revelation. But be careful.

This is not like using affirmations to improve your situation. You’ll spin your wheels and go nowhere. It’s better to choose a statement of Truth you would like to understand more clearly. Let it percolate throughout the day. Just be sure to take your statement into silent prayer. If you follow these suggestions (all of them), Revelation is inevitable.

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5 Tips To God-Realization


Does the experience of God-Realization seem more elusive than a Big Foot sighting? Are you frustrated because nothing happens when you listen for the “still small voice?” Have you ever thought to yourself: Why can’t I know Truth like Eddy, Aiken, Watts, or Goldsmith? You can. Below are five tips that are sure to open the door of God-Realization.


The password for God-Realization is a pure heart. Your motive must be pure. Why are you seeking God-Realization? What do you hope will happen once God-Realization is experienced? If the answer to these questions is anything other than the joy of knowing God directly, your motive is not pure. The experience should be (and will prove to be) enough.


God is All. God is your Being. There is nothing – not even the false belief of separation – between you and God. There is just God as You. When you consider this fact, it’s easy to see that there is nothing separating you from God-Realization. God-Realization is simply Self-Realization.

The reason Realization seems so elusive is because the so-called seeker is starting from a place of separation. When you sit or lie down to hear, suspend the belief that you and God-Realization are separate. Be willing to accept the idea that the Truth I AM seeking is the Truth I AM.

Realization is not coming to you like a check in the mail. The God-Realization that you seem to be seeking is your very Being. Here’s the Truth: YOU ARE IN A PERPETUAL STATE OF GOD-REALIZATION.


If you can come up with any reason why you cannot realize God’s Presence, that reason will seem to obstruct your realization. That’s as simple as it gets. Although the obstruction is not real, it will seem very real to you. Below are three self-imposed obstruction to God-Realization:

  • guilt
  • self-condemnation
  • unworthiness

You and I have already agreed that there is nothing separating you from the experience of Realization, but do you understand that word nothing? It means no thing. No thing! Not even false ideas or feelings can separate you from God-Realization.

  • What you did in the past cannot separate you.
  • Feelings of unworthiness cannot separate you.

Be willing to give up your self-imposed barriers. When you pray, acknowledge this fact: THERE IS NOT ONE THING THAT SEPARATES ME FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF GOD-REALIZATION.


Forgiveness facilitates God-Realization. No, anger is not an actual barrier to God-Realization, but it triggers feelings of unworthiness that are hard to shake.

What someone (seemingly) did to you has only the power you give it. All the while, God’s Infinite Goodness is all that is going on in your life – as your life. Knowing this, just forgive. Is it hard for you to forgive? Then, be willing to forgive. A simple willingness will work wonders.


I would not be surprised to hear that after taking these tips to heart, you had your first experience of God-Realization. Or, that experiences of God-Realization are more frequent. However, if that is not the case, don’t give up.

Christ Jesus said it best in these words from The Gospel of Thomas: “Let him who seeks not cease from his search until he finds. When he finds, he will be bewildered. He will wonder and reign over all.”

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Why Are You Praying?

Wrong motive

Learning how to pray effectively is the best gift you can give yourself. Let’s face it. Most prayers fail to deliver the goods. They fail to heal. They fail to prosper. They fail to fix the broken places in our lives. This has always been the case. James, the brother of Jesus, addresses this issues in his epistle: “You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives.” (James 4:3)

What Christians are doing with prayer perplexes me. It’s so unlike what Christ Jesus did and taught. Can you recall an instance of Jesus begging and beseeching God to heal a sick person? Can you cite one instance in the Holy Bible where Christ Jesus gathers people to pray about human mishaps and catastrophes? Yet, Christians do both of these all of the time. Let’s get this prayer business right.

The other day I was sitting on the grounds of the National Cathedral (Washington, DC) reading a book. I watched a man toss peanuts to the squirrels scampering about. One squirrel snatched a peanut and scurried up a tree. Soon, a cluster of squirrels circled the man, hoping and waiting for a peanut. The squirrels quickly gobbled up the peanuts and came back for more. Do you think they were coming back for companionship? Do you think they cared about the man at all? No! These adorable rodents didn’t care about the giver. They cared about the gifts of the giver. Most people don’t seem to care about the realization of God. They want the gifts of God.

James explained why prayer fails. His explanation in the King James Version of the Bible is, “You pray amiss.” He wasn’t talking about the words that are said during prayer. He wasn’t talking about the postures assumed when praying – whether palms were facing toward the ground or skyward. He was talking about motive.

Here is how to boost the effectiveness of your prayers. Before you pray, meditate or contemplate, ask yourself this one question: WHY AM I PRAYING? Face your motives and answer that question honestly? Here are a few more:

  • Am I praying to fix a troublesome situation?
  • Am I praying to heal my body?
  • Am I praying to get something?
  • Am I praying to change someone?
  • Am I praying for money?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you “pray amiss,” or with “wrong motives.” These prayers are bound to disappoint. Occasionally, I admit, these misdirected prayers seem to work, but in most cases they don’t.

Why are you praying? What is your motive? These are great questions, but the better question is “What constitutes the right motive for effective prayer?” If any of the following is your motive for praying, your prayer(s) will be successful:

  • To realize the true nature of your identity
  • To know via direct Revelation the nature of God
  • To experience God’s Presence

“But how will my problems get solved if I don’t pray about them?” is the question many ask. Although you are not praying for health, money, success, peace or happiness, they happen as a result of right-focused prayer. Why? Because right-focused prayer reveals that you were never sick. It reveals that you never lacked happiness, prosperity, peace or success.

Right prayer reveals that you are always in your right place, doing the right thing in the right way. Right prayer reveals that you and Perfection IS ONE.

It’s no surprise that those who experience the fulfilling joy of right-focused prayer suddenly exclaim, “Now I see why Christ said ‘seek first the kingdom of God and all things will be added.'” They experience the thing they weren’t praying for as the added thing – the thing added to a greater realization of God.

All of this is to say, don’t be afraid to not pray about “it.” Don’t fear that if you don’t pray about “it,” nothing is being done. Leave “it” alone, and you will discover that there was never an “it” to pray about. GOD IS ALL.

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Try This For Your Best Year Yet


Move Beyond Resolutions For Your Best Year Ever

Did you make any resolutions for the new year? Why? What are you hoping to accomplish? A better you? A better life? Please answer these questions.

Everyone would like for this so-called new year to be popping with success. People are craving a new and improved life. Most are hoping that this is the year that all their dreams come true. But, reader, you know that as high as these hopes are at the beginning of the year, things usually don’t work out that way. For a lot of folk, the new year ends up a dead ringer for the old year.

In this post, I’m offering you a suggestion that, if followed, will yield greater benefits than all of your resolutions – even if stuck to.

Here is the suggestion.

Take your prayerful attention off of your problems – completely. Stop trying to use Truth (God) to fix the seeming broken places of your life. When you pray, (contemplate, or whatever name you call it,) stop trying to heal your body, repair your relationship, get something, or get rid of something. This includes even the hope that something good will result from your praying.

Instead, let your prayers be for the joy of knowing and experiencing God.

I don’t usually use the word “metaphysical” in these posts, but for the moment the word serves my purpose. Because it is above (meta) all so-called physical phenomena, the suggestion above is the most metaphysical practice there is. It is the only true spiritual practice.

Putting It Into Practice

You may be asking, “How do I put this into practice?” The simple answer is to examine your motive. Whenever you “pray,” ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” If it is to fix, heal, or get, know that your prayer is off track. Then, ask yourself this question: “Am I willing to do this just for the joy of knowing, experiencing and contemplating the nature of God?” If your answer is an unqualified “Yes,” then proceed with your praying.

If, however, your answer is “No,” ask yourself one more question: “Am I willing to do this just for the joy of knowing, experiencing and contemplating the nature of God?” Willing is the magic word. If you answer “Yes” to this question, proceed with your praying.

Dealing With That Pesky Little Voice

As you read this are you thinking, “Allen, I get it, but when I sit down to pray that way, this little voice says ‘You’re lying. You really want to get healed. You really want to change this situation. You are not really interested in God.’”

Continue with your praying. Don’t fight this “voice.” It really is nothing. Let it “speak” and proceed with your praying. Soon, two things will happen. First, that “voice” will no longer even whisper to you. Second, you will find joy, even ecstasy, in praying just for the joy of knowing, experiencing and considering the nature of God. Now, you are on track and “cooking with gas.”

Reader, enjoy the Infinite Goodness of God’s Presence as your very life and being. In the next post, I will explain why this works.

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Have You Called Several Practitioners Without Results?


The first time I called a practitioner was for employment – or so I thought. Within a few days, job offers poured in. I called the practitioner again and said, “Please stop. I decided I’m not ready to work.”

The second time I called a practitioner, I was in a financial crisis. In a few days, the supply came in. Then, there was the time when I just left the Emergency Room. The doctor said unless I had an operation tomorrow, things would go badly for me. I called the practitioner and was healed within hours.

Reader, to tell you the truth, a Pink-rumped Rosefinch could pray for me, and the results would be similar. It seems that I’ve always responded to prayer. But, this post is not about me. This post is for those of you who seem to get no help from a practitioner.

Marie Watts (of The Ultimate) told me many times that she never received help from a practitioner. During her time in Christian Science, she was acquainted with some of the best practitioners in the movement. Yet, they were not able to help her.

Then, she said these words, “Allen, when a person has tried many practitioners without receiving help, it’s because they are able to do the work themselves.” I believe this. I sincerely believe that if you have tried one practitioner after another without getting help, you can successfully help yourself. Don’t be afraid! You can do it.

Below are two approaches for “doing your own work.”


In this approach you lay out all the troubling appearances that seem to be real, and then you ask (God Consciousness) what is really going on?

For example, “It appears that my eyes are red and swollen. It seems as though my vision is blurry and out of focus. These are the appearances, but right where this trouble seems to be happening, what really is going on?” Then, you listen. If no answer comes forth immediately, repeat and listen. Don’t lose heart. Consciousness will reveal what is true.


If there appears to be trouble in your experience, it’s not what it appears to be. It looks troublesome, and it may even appear to be life-threatening, but it’s not. This troublesome thing is drawing your attention to some Truth of God.

In this approach, you simply ask in prayer, “What is the Truth that I most need to know now?” Or, for those who are rattled by the duality of such a question, you can ask, “What is the Truth that I am knowing right now?”

Reader, I’ve used both approaches. When something seems so horrific that it knocks me off balance, I opt for the first approach. Either way, your focus is not on healing but knowing what IS. I repeat the words of Marie Watts, “Allen, when a person has tried many practitioners without receiving help, it’s because they are able to do the work themselves.”

You can do your own work!

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What About Natural Disasters?

What Do You Say Concept

What About Natural Disasters?

Regarding the recent destruction and wreckage of hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria, an enlightened reader asked this question: “What do you say to someone who is suffering because they do believe that havoc and destruction have washed away their house and caused the death of a loved one?”

It’s a great question, and here’s why. Many people who know that God is All seem to experience torturous inner turmoil when their eyes (and other senses) report that some horrific activity is going on that defies the allness of God. What do you say when so many people are believing the report of their eyes and ears? What do you say to someone who appears to be the victim?

It Never Happened, But You Can’t Say That

Truth is not cold and heartless. Truth is as comforting as a thick wool blanket on a cold winter’s night. Of course you cannot say the Truth – it never happened. But you can, if need be, say the right thing.

The answer to the reader’s question is simple. It doesn’t matter what you say. It matters what you know. Before you say a word, ask yourself “Am I knowing (and not merely mouthing words) that God is All?” If your answer is an absolute “Yes,” you will know what to say, and when to say it.

Stand Firm In What You Know

In answering “Yes, I do know that God is All,” do you think a human identity can do that? It can’t. It is God, as you, answering with such unwavering certainty. Therefore, it is Love answering. As Love, you will say and do the loving thing. Sometimes that loving thing is to say and do nothing. Nothing! Stand firm knowing God is All.


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Try This Contemplation For 7 Days


The Main Idea

There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.

For the next seven days, I am suggesting that you use the above statement as a springboard for your daily contemplation.  So that there is no confusion about the “how” of this contemplation, I am writing it out exactly the way I am suggesting that you contemplate it.  As follows:

There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.
There is one infinite, indivisible Presence, and I am It.

Seeing The Main Idea From All Angles

Imagine going to a museum and gazing at a life-sized sculpture.  To take in the full beauty of the sculpture, you have to move around and look at it from many angles.  Similarly, this contemplation takes one spiritual idea that you consider from many “angles.” Instead of moving around a physical sculpture, you view the idea in many ways by emphasizing key words.

Note that all but two words are bolded. Each of your contemplation periods will consist of the main idea repeated slowly seven (7) times. On each repetition let your consciousness savor the bolded word.  You may be inspired to linger on that word a while. You may be inspired to rest in a moment of silence, after saying the word.

On some bolded words, you may linger even longer.  That’s okay. Although you are dealing only with one spiritual idea, each word that you dwell on is sure to reveal something new.

Give Up The Control

Once you’ve completed the seven (7) repetitions, be still and let Revelations flow within Consciousness.  Although I have given the above suggestions, the contemplation will start to have its own life.  When this happens, don’t try to control it.  It’s possible that you may not make it through the seven repetitions in one sitting.

Reader, after the seven days are over, please let me know how this went for you.  I look forward to hearing from you. In the next post, we will take this out of the seats and into the streets.

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