Category Archives: health

Pain, Pain Go Away

“Lately, Allen, I’ve been in a lot of pain. On a scale of 1 to 10, I’m averaging a 20. If you were in my shoes, how would you deal with this spiritually?”

You Don’t Have To Put Up With Pain

Pain seems to be an invincible opponent. It even boasts the power to derail your best attempts to pray, leaving you spiritually defenseless – like a declawed cat fighting a rottweiler. I have experienced the kind of pain the reader mentions, and I assure you that you can eliminate this deceptive presence. Not merely cope with it, but completely eliminate it. It’s a challenge, but you can meet it.

The Holy Bible says, “With God all things are possible.” Here’s my paraphrase: With God’s Allness as your starting point, it’s possible to prove the nothingness of anything unlike God – even pain.

This Denial Did Work, … However

I started my journey to the Absolute, like many of our readers, by way of metaphysics – affirmations and denials. In my late teens I latched onto this denial “Pain, sickness, poverty, old age and death cannot master me, for they are not real.” Whenever I seemed to experience any type of body pain, I reached for that denial. Not because I expected it to work magic on the pain, but because I felt the statement was true. Pain is not real. It always worked … until it didn’t.

I Had To Do Something Different

One day I lay in bed curled up like a cocktail shrimp. The pain was at the 20-level. This went on for more than 24 hours. I repeated the denial over and over, but the pain didn’t subside. I knew more was needed.

Curled up in pain, I said, “Allen, God is all you have, so let’s resolve this.” I prayed, “God, it appears that I’m in great pain. My joints, even my organs hurt. Is this true? Am I really experiencing this pain?” I was not addressing a God outside of me, but rather the God of my Being. Essentially, I was talking to my Self.

I was so intent on knowing the answer to my question that I momentarily forgot about the pain. Throughout the night I questioned and listened. It seemed as though nothing was happening. Then, like a dark room that is suddenly flooded with sunlight, “my” Consciousness was flooded with Peace. I basked in it for as long as I could. As you’ve probably guessed, the pain was gone and never returned.

Do You Know What Pain Signifies?

Since then, I have experienced pain, but my attitude toward it has changed. For those of you who’ve read Marie Watts’ You Are the Splendor, I’m sure you remember the analogy of the dinner bell.

The dinner bell was once used to alert the household that dinner was ready. When the dinner bell rang, you stopped whatever you were doing and rushed to the dinner table. The dinner bell alerted you to a tasty meal. Once everyone was seated around the table, the bell stopped ringing. Its job was done.

Pain, like any problem, is not a bad thing. It’s the dinner bell that is alerting you to something wonderful – the Presence of God. No, God is not causing the pain, but the pain (like any other problem) signals there is a God-fact waiting to come forth in your awareness. As soon as the God-fact is known, the pain stops. The pain has done its job.

Essentially, pain or any other problem is saying, “Hey Johnny, I have something new to reveal about God’s Presence, and you really need to know this.” Like the family responds to the dinner bell by coming to the table, you respond to the pain (bell) by “listening” prayer.

Getting Rid Of The Pain Is Not The Point

But you must be mindful of your goal. The goal is not to get rid of the pain. Your aim is to discover the Truth the pain is drawing your attention to. In prayer you may ask, “What is the Truth I need to know?” Although it is possible for the answer to be revealed in an instant, you may have to do this many times throughout the day.

Many readers of my books and this blog tell me that they’ve tried this approach but the pain or problem didn’t go away. I always answer with this question: “What Truth did you discover?” If the answer is none, they weren’t done. Following the suggestion of this post, you must be focused on the discovery and not the relief from your condition.

Reader, heed this advice: Don’t tie your feet before you start the race. Do not permit yourself to think, “My pain is so great I can’t get still.” You can. And you will prove to yourself that not only can you get still to “hear,” but you can experience moments of bliss.

Should you ever seem to be in pain, or should an insurmountable problem pop up, give this approach a try. It works!

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Is It Okay To Want To Die? [Part 2]

Wonderful Things Are Happening - Don't Worry

Help Me To Die

When I answered the phone, a frazzled voice said, “I’m so tired of living. I wish the Lord would just come and take me away. Allen, would you pray for the Lord to come and get me?” As we talked, she explained that all of her friends had passed on. “My hearing is shot, and I can barely see. My balance is so bad, I’m afraid to go out. And now,” her voice whispered, “I’m totally dependent on others for my care. There’s no reason for me to live. I don’t know why the Lord is keeping me here.”

I shared this conversation with a friend who later asked, “Allen, in a case like this, is it okay to want to die?” I am going to answer this question, but the answer is skewed toward the readers of this blog who profess to believe that God Is All – the only Presence and Power.

What’s Driving The Urge To Die?

The woman on the phone seems to be living in a prison of loss – loss of sight, hearing, companionship and independence. Many have been there, and many seem to be there now. And they all want out by the only way they know: death.

What’s driving this death wish? An easy answer suggests unbearable losses. Is that the reason, or is it the belief that there is no living way out of their situation? I ask this because there seems to be a pattern. I’ve noticed that after the losses reach a certain threshold, people stop praying. Why? Because they think it won’t help.

Making Goulash? Add A Bit Of Spiritual Reasoning

Still, the question hangs in the air: “In a case like this, is it okay to want to die?” If you’ve imagined yourself in a similar situation, you probably think the answer is an easy “Yes.” And I bet you’ve cooked up some spiritual goulash to justify your answer. Hold your horses! First, take a moment to answer these questions:

  • Is it okay to believe that a loving God authorizes pain, suffering and loss?
  • If pain, suffering and loss are not authorized by God, are they real powers?
  • Is it okay to believe God, Who is the Substance of the Body, is prone to time or disease-based deterioration?
  • Is it okay to believe that so-called human problems are irreversible – that God’s Omnipresent Perfection cannot be discerned and experienced despite the nature of the difficulty?
  • Is it okay to believe that a hopeless situation exists in Omnipresent Perfection?
  • Is it okay to say I and God is One and believe that you are in a hopeless situation?

Did you answer “no” to the questions above? Good. Swing back (keeping your answers in mind) and answer the original question: Is it ever okay to want to die?

“But Allen,” you say, “I’m not talking about me. I know someone in a similar situation who wants to die. What about them?” Here is the short answer: THERE’S NONE BUT THE ONE.

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Should You Watch What You Eat?

Is watching what you eat duality? Would that (watching what you eat) be taking the body to be a body of matter, which it is not?

The Many Diets

Years ago, we touched on the answer to this question, but let’s look at it again with fresh eyes.

Right now there are a gazillion diets promising optimal health. The most popular are the Mediterranean and Paleo diets. Plus there are many others. There’s the DASH diet for optimal heart health and the MIND diet for optimal brain function. Peeking over the horizon of popularity is the Breatharian diet. With this diet, you don’t have to watch what you eat. You don’t eat – or drink.

All of these diets have one thing in common: they omit foods allowed on the other diets. For this one reason alone, you have to watch what you eat. Yet this kind of “watching” is not what the questioner is asking about.

In all of the aforementioned diets, some foods are believed to be healthy for the body while others are deemed to be unhealthy. Those watching what they eat are making sure they eat health-inducing foods. Watch them at the buffet table as they skirt around the deep-fried foods and reach for the steamed broccoli florets. They pass over the cupcakes with mile-high frosting and fill their bowls with strawberry quarters drizzled with a touch of honey. Is this duality?

Health Is God

If you believe that Health is separate from you and can be attained and maintained by the foods you eat, how many concerns do you have? I counted three (you, health and food). It’s more than a duality: it’s a triality (made up word). In matters of the Spirit, which is all that matters, more than one is too many.

Here’s the Absolute Truth. God is All; God is Health; All is Health. As one writer put it, “Health is the one Power and Presence in the universe.” You can’t get out of Health and you can’t get into Health. Health is your very being – no matter what you eat.

Considering This, What Foods Are Bad Foods?

Nutritional therapy argues against this and states that some foods are good for you and others not so good. Drinking a green smoothie every morning is better than drinking a Dr. Pepper. But is this true? To answer this question, I turn your attention to the words of Christ Jesus: “And these signs shall follow them that believe: In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.”

In these words (Mark 16:17-18), Christ Jesus taught an important spiritual lesson: There is only one Substance – God. The so-called deadly thing would have no effect because its Substance is God. God is the Substance of all Form. Everything you eat is constituted of the Substance that is the Presence of God.

When all food is understood to be God-Substance, there will be no more ill effects from eating food. One particular statement of Truth was hard for me to grasp until Revelation clarified it. It sounded wonderful, and I understood it to be the key to so-called instantaneous demonstration, but I just couldn’t grasp the concept. Here it is: All of God is equally present at every point of Existence at the same time.

Reviving Grace

This being true and understood, no food is more beneficial than another. Reader, consider what you have just read in the three preceding paragraphs and answer for yourself if some foods are better for you than others.

Rather than follow the advice to watch what you eat, it’s better to be mindful when you eat. Do you remember when your parents made you say grace before you ate? Do you also remember when you wanted to skip grace and dig into those sauce-smothered meatballs? For many people saying grace, if it’s said at all, is a mindless prelude to filling the belly. Let’s revive and revise the “prayer” before each meal.

Before you put the first forkful in your mouth, take a moment to be mindful that God is the Substance of the food you are about to eat. Be mindful that the Substance of your food is the very same Substance of your Body. By doing so, you eliminate the false sense of materiality associated with the Body and eating. And if you are about to eat a vanilla-glazed donut topped with sprinkles, remember you cannot get into or out of Health. Health is your Being.

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