Tag Archives: marie watts

Your Eternal Body

After a funeral service, even Truth students mosey back to their cars thinking about their affairs and “getting them in order”. Basically, they do exactly what they should not do – ponder their mortality.

LIFE IS ETERNAL. So when you are faced with the appearance of death, let it trigger a calm consideration of your IMMORTALITY.

As some of you know, my mother’s funeral was this past Monday, and this post by Marie Watts is in her honor and memory.

Do you wonder why it is necessary to perceive more and more completely the Substance and Activity that exists as this Body? It is of the utmost importance for us to know – completely know – just what the Nature of this Body is, because ultimately we must transcend this supposedly inevitable illusion called death. As we have stated before, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. And our knowledge of that which exists as this Body is the POWER of the Presence of eternal Life. And I do not mean life in or as a temporary body.

We know that our Bible presents statements that can only be interpreted to mean that death – or its appearance – will be transcended. For instance we read, “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” Then too we read that beautiful verse in Revelation 21:4, which says, “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any pain; for the former things are passed away.”

The ultimate perception of the Body is the fact that eternal Life does manifest Itself as Its own Substance in Form (the Body). And the Substance in Form has to be as eternal as is eternal Life Itself.

Anyone who has seemed to lose a loved one through that which is called death, knows that there can be no Love manifested as this experience. This so-called “last enemy” is only the culmination of all the other illusory enemies that appear to precede it, such as birth, sickness, deterioration, etc. If there were such a cruel thing as death, God certainly could not be LOVE. AND GOD IS LOVE.

We have not only the right, but the necessity, to see through and transcend this cruel hoax which has been accepted throughout the ages. When we know – thoroughly know – exactly what is the Substance, Form, and Activity of this Body, that so-called “last enemy” will no longer be feared; nor will it even appear in or as our experience at all. Certainly we are on our way to the revelation of this complete knowledge of the Body.

We can no longer gloss over the illusion that is called death by describing it as “passing on,” making the transition,” etc. It makes no difference what words we may use to describe this horrendous illusion, these words cannot alter the fact that “death” continues to appear to be true, and to be inevitable.

Let us have as much faith in the eternal, birthless, deathless Body as we have in our eternal Soul. Of course we can have more than faith in this eternal Body. Through complete illumination, we can be so convinced of the fact that this eternal Body is the only Body, that nothing can shatter our complete conviction. BUT WE DO HAVE TO REALLY KNOW WHAT COMPRISES THIS BODY, IN ORDER TO EXPERIENCE SUCH ABSOLUTE CONVICTION.

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The Truth About Wealth

Do you ever think about Wealth? Exactly what are your thoughts about wealth?

Here is an excerpt on Wealth from Marie Watts‘ book The Ultimate.


Are You Seeing The Evidence? (M. Watts)


Sometimes one will say, “I see all of this Truth so clearly; and I accept it fully, but I do not see or experience the evidence of it.” In this very mis-statement we have the basis of our seeming failure to experience the full evidence of the Truth we know to be true. If we question, “Why isn’t this Truth evident?” we are actually claiming the absence of God’s evidence of Itself. We are also claiming the presence of some utterly false evidence. Beloved, this is a very insidious delusion. And it behooves all of us to refuse to be deceived by its fallacious claims.

God, Truth, being omnipresent, is ALL THAT IS PRESENT NOW. Thus, Truth – the Truth you know– is ALL THAT IS PRESENT NOW. That which is present is EVIDENCE. To disclaim the evidence of Truth would be do disclaim, or to deny, the Omnipresence that is God. Let’s never claim that God is All, and then disclaim the Allness that is God by a denial that the evidence of every Truth we know is present right here and right now.

Perhaps it may not appear that Truth’s evidence is present; but we cannot accept this illusion any more than we accept the miasmic picture of disease, trouble, or lack. We should gently but firmly insist that the evidence of God is God. And that this evidence is just as present as is God.

It is natural to expect Truth, and Its evidence, to be simultaneous. But, if we keep looking for the evidence; if we keep expecting the evidence to appear, we seem to be deceived in two ways. First, it appears that Truth’s evidence of Itself has been absent and may now be visibly present. Next, the illusion that Truth’s evidence is not present, now, but we expect it to become evidence. In either case, it is a denial of the constant fact that the Truth you know, and the evidence of this Truth, are inseparably ONE.


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Revelation Is A Normal Experience


The Backstory

Here’s the backstory of this post. Before Marie Watts (The Ultimate) “passed,” she talked incessantly about her latest manuscript. “This book must be published,” she said. “It’s the most radical thing I’ve ever written.” I was just as excited about its publication as she was.

The book was never published. However, I knew the manuscript was kept in a box of her private things, and occasionally, when I talked to Jacqueline, her granddaughter, I hinted at the manuscript. She never took the bait. For a few years I wondered what could be more radical than her last books. I wanted to see that manuscript. What follows, in this post, is how I satisfied my curiosity.

Why Did They Throw My Book Away?

My first book, God is All, has seen more trash cans than a city sanitation worker. I’ve seen folk toss the book aside in a fit of suppressed rage. Others have confessed to throwing it away – even burning it. And it’s all because of a few sentences in the first chapter of the book. Granted, those few sentences compel the reader to confront what they truly know about God.

Here is the excerpt: “We cannot live parasitically off of another’s realization of Truth … however each and every person must come into his own recognition of who and what he is via revelation and realization.”

These words provoke the reader to think the following: “Everything I know about God, and everything I know about my spiritual identity, I’ve learned from a book or a tape. Nothing has been revealed. I’ve been living parasitically off of Joel Goldsmith, Marie Watts, Alfred Aiken, etc. I really don’t know anything. Hmmph, I don’t like the way this book makes me feel. I’ll show him just what I think about his book.” Right here you can see God is All flying into a nearby trash receptacle.

You Already Know All The Truth There Is To Know

Often, I open my seminars by asking “How much of what you know about God is from something you read or heard?” Asking for a show of hands, I proceed, “How much of what you know about God is by direct inner revelation?” No hands go up.


Don’t Settle For Quotitis

Along the way, I’ve met many people in the advanced stages of “quotitis.” Perhaps you’ve met some yourself. These people can quote long passages from the Holy Bible, Science and Health, and books by Joel Goldsmith, Marie Watts and Alfred Aiken. But, spend a day walking in their lives. There is no evidence they have ever heard or read a word of Truth. Until Truth is Self-Revealed, all you have are letters and sounds. No demonstration. The Golden Formula is Revelation = Demonstration.

Why settle for quotitis when you can experience direct Revelation? I know Revelation seems to be a supernatural experience reserved for the really serious. Not so. Revelation is a natural and constant experience of the one Infinite, Indivisible Consciousness – your Consciousness. I try to make this fact clear in the Prayer Project.

Try This Instead

Now, let’s move this blog post from theory to actual experience. Before we proceed, I acknowledge that here, lately, I’ve been playing a one-note Samba. What follows is nothing you haven’t read before. The question is: Are you doing it?

For the next few weeks, keep up your so-called spiritual practice, which hopefully includes a period of silent “listening.” Be sure you are not working on specifics, or even hoping that some situation will be worked out. Proper prayer is not the place for that. In your listening, let this be your attitude: “In these moments of silence, I’m letting Consciousness revel in its own Illumination.” Then be still (with no other motive in mind), and I guarantee you will experience how natural Revelation is.

In case you’re wondering how I satisfied my curiosity about Marie Watts unpublished book, it was by realizing any Truth in that manuscript is already in Consciousness – mine and yours.

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Success Is Normal


This excerpt is by Marie Watts from the booklet Success Is Normal

If it seems that you are not being successful in your business, your profession, or your employment, it is necessary to be specific in your realization that you are the universal Principle, Success, in action as your business, your profession, or your employment.

But do not attempt to block off your business or your professional success from the entirety of your successful Existence. The universal Principle is inseparable. It cannot be divided into blocks or areas of success. It simply will not be apparent completely unless you are aware that this Principle is complete, omnipresent, and equally present and active everywhere and eternally.

In like manner, if you seem to be unsuccessful in your home, it is necessary to specifically recognize the fact that success is omnipresent. Thus, it has to be present and evidence in and as your home. But, of course, you will not attempt to limit this Principle to your home.

What we are pointing up here is the fact that the indivisible nature of the Principle, Success, must be realized if you are to be conscious of being completely successful. But this does not mean that you should not be alert and recognize success to be present in any specific activity that might temporarily seem to be unsuccessful. The Infinite Principle remains the same successful activity, whether it is evident as universal activity, the activity of adding a column or figures, or baking a cake. And because you know that you are the I that I AM, you also know You are this universal Principle in action.

You are not concerned with being a success. You know that you are successful because you are the very Principle called Success. Thus, you do not labor, struggle, plan, or strain to accomplish being that which you already are.


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Be Inspired, But Don’t Follow


A Game To Grow Out Of

Stevie hopped on his left foot two times, then jumped up and landed on both feet, after which, he raised his arms over his head and clapped three times. All of us followed behind him, mimicking his every move. This was years ago, and we were playing the game for children called “Follow the Leader.”

I’m all grown up now, and I’ve put such childish games behind me. But I’ve discovered that many adults are still playing “Follow the Leader.” They’ve put a new spin on it, and the more appropriate title is “Follow the Spiritual Leader.” In one way, it’s like the original game. You’re always a few paces behind the leader.

Joel Goldsmith, Alfred Aiken, and Mary Baker Eddy are just a few leaders that many adults are following. Because Marie Watts and Lillian DeWaters knew the inherent dangers of the game, they didn’t have many followers. On the other hand, many still pledge undying allegiance to Joel and Alfred.

She Screamed When I Picked Up The Phone

I’ll share a story with you. One evening I picked up the ringing phone. As soon as I did, a voice screamed through the receiver, “What are you? Are you Christian Science? Are you Infinite Way? What are you?” I answered, “Miss, I come with one message only – God is All.” She muttered something and hung up the phone.

Here’s the translation of her call: Is your message consistent with the leader I’m following? If so, I can follow you too. Before my lecture tours screeched to a halt, a woman pulled me aside in Arizona and said, “Allen, you’re really good, but you are not going to make it very far with this.” I asked, “Why not?” She said, “Allen, people are looking for someone to follow, but you keep saying you don’t want followers. They are going to go to someone who does.”

As she said this, my world seemed to darken as if a black sack were thrown over my head. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Doesn’t Infinite Way, Christian Science, Alfred Aiken, Unity and other similar teachings say that there is one infinite, indivisible presence? In this ONENESS, where can there be a leader? Where can there be a follower? I’m looking everywhere,and I can’t find either.

A Follower Is A Practitioner Of Dualism

To be a follower, or a leader, one has to first admit more than one presence. Follow the Spiritual Leader necessitates dualism.

Reader, don’t be a follower! Don’t be a leader. When you say I am a follower of ________, here’s the translation. “I believe that God is divided up into separate minds, bodies, and identities. I believe in duality. Not only do I believe there are many minds, but I believe some are more enlightened than others. I believe the mind of the one I am following is far more enlightened than mine.”

From this position followers remain followers. Leaders remain deluded. People such as Joel Goldsmith and Marie Watts never “came into their own,” until they stopped being followers of Mary Baker Eddy.

“Allen,” someone asked, “are you saying that I should not read the books of my favorite authors?” Never! You can read and not follow, can’t you? You can be inspired by “another” without following, can’t you? I know you can. You’re constituted that way.

Read The Great Works And Be Inspired

Reading spiritual works that scale the heights of God-realization is natural. Since God is all, what better books to read than those that celebrate God’s Allness. You, knowing that God is all, would more likely pick up a spiritual book than “Shades of Gray.” Given the true nature of your Being, this is no surprise.

Alfred Aiken, Marie Watts, Mary Baker Eddy, Lillian DeWaters, Vivian May Williams, etc. have all written magnificent books. Read the books. Enjoy the books. Be inspired by the books. Let them lead you to the still waters of silent prayer. But, don’t be a follower.

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This is an excerpt from Success Is Normal by Marie Watts


Success Is Omnipresent

Success is an omnipresent aspect of the Universe. Success is a universal Principle, equally present everywhere and eternally. This is why success must be complete. Any seeming partial success would make it appear that universal success could be absent in some instances, could fluctuate, or could come and go. This is impossible because God, the Universe, is always present and equally present. Thus, success is present in all ways. It also means that success is not interrupted by interims of failure.

Do This If It Seems You Are Not Being Successful

If it seems that you are not being successful in your business, your profession, or your employment, it is necessary to be specific in your realization that you are the universal Principle, Success, in action as your business, your profession, or your employment.

But do not attempt to block off your business or your professional success from the entirety of your successful Existence. The universal Principle is inseparable. It cannot be divided into blocks or areas of success. It simply will not be apparent completely unless you are aware that this Principle is complete, omnipresent, and equally present and active everywhere and eternally.

The Universal Principle Of Success Is Indivisible

What we are pointing up here is the fact that the indivisible nature of the Principle, Success, must be realized if you are to be conscious of being completely successful. But this does not mean that you should not be alert and recognize success to be present in any specific activity that might temporarily seem to be unsuccessful. The Infinite Principle remains the same successful activity, whether it is evident as universal activity, the activity of adding a column of figures or baking a cake.

You are not concerned with being a success. You know that you are successful because you are the very Principle called Success. Thus, you do not labor, struggle, plan or strain to accomplish being that which you already are.

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What Are These Evil Appearances?


Appearances Of Evil Alert You To The Reality Of Perfection

Let’s now perceive how it is, and why it is, that any appearance of evil is not evil – that it really serves a good purpose. If the fulfillment of any purpose is good, the impulsion behind this purpose has to be good, and not evil. The mistake lies in our misconception of the meaning of that which we have called evil.

Just as a mistake in mathematics calls your attention to the perfect mathematical fact, so it is that any appearance of evil serves to call your attention to some specific aspect of good, or God. God is Perfection; thus Perfection is a universal as well as a specific fact. Any appearance of imperfection serves to call your attention to the perfect Principle, which is Perfection.

Evil Can Only Be Troublesome If You Think It Is Real

A mistake can seem to be troublesome, or evil, only so long as it is mistaken for a fact. One your attention is focused upon the perfect fact, the mistake is canceled. It simply vanishes.

You do not resist the mistake (evil). You do not attempt to overcome it, or to oppose it. You know it to be a mistake, and that ends it as far as you are concerned. The seeming evil served its purpose, and your attention is now focused upon the perfect Principle. You keep your attention focused upon the universal and the specific fast until the evidence of this fact is apparent.

You can never make a figure 5 become a figure 4. Neither can you make an appearance of imperfection become perfect. Your awareness of Perfection is the revelation and the evidence of that which is revealed.

You Are Always Abundantly Supplied

For example, it may appear that an appearance of lack seems to be present. This is not evil. Rather, it should be considered as merely the signal signifying the presence of infinite, omnipresent Supply, which means that you will immediately contemplate the universal fact – omnipresent Supply.

When you are constantly and consciously attentive to the perfect fact – and only this fact – the evidence of its presence is inevitable.

(Excerpt by Marie Watts from You Are The Splendor)


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Another I AM Contemplation


The Power of the Presence is the I that I AM.  The Presence of the Power is the I that I AM.  I am the indivisible, indwelling, all-dwelling, omnipotent Omnipresence.  I am the Love that is inseparable Oneness.  I am the Love that is Perfection, Peace, Joy and complete Harmony.  The Love that I AM is the Light that I AM.  The Light that I AM is the Love that I AM.  Omnipresent, omnipotent, omniactive Love is the I that I AM.

I know that I am All, complete within and as my infinite Self.  Being constantly, eternally complete, I am the Supply for every seeming need.  No matter whether this Supply is evidenced as the Presence of Love, Health, Home, Money or whatever, I AM AWARE OF BEING THE EVER PRESENT SUPPLY FOR ANY SEEMING NEED.   I know what I AM.  My perception of the complete Truth that I am this moment is the manifestation I know.  I am the evidence of the Truth I know.  The Presence of the I that I AM, knowing the Truth that I AM, is the manifestation of the Mind that I AM, knowing what I AM.

Beyond creed, beyond all limitations and restriction, I AM.  Beyond human motherhood, fatherhood, all relationship, I AM.  Beyond the pangs of birth and the pains of death, I AM.  Beyond grief, trouble, change, age, or deterioration, I AM.  Beyond all pain or suffering, I AM.  Beyond all the simulated distortions of an illusory world, I AM.  Beyond the human intellect with all of its delusions, I AM.  Beyond all conditions, or qualifications, I AM.  Beyond sorrow, doubt, frustration, fear of failure, I AM. All of this I AM for I AM THAT I AM. (by Marie Watts)

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It’s What You Know – Not Who You Know


The excerpt below is by Marie Watts from Fulfillment of Purpose. You can order her books from Mystics Of The World

How To Find A Job, Home, Companionship, Etc.

Suppose, for instance, you are unemployed. It may even seem that there is no employment in sight. Then, too, you may feel that your training and experience qualify you for a certain type or work or profession, and that you cannot function successfully in another type of activity.

Perhaps you feel that if you could just “make the right contact,” you would find employment that was suitable for you. This is a trap, beloved one, and you will not be caught in this duality, neither will you accept limitations.

There Is No Other Consciousness

You know there is no Consciousness separate and apart from the Universal, indivisible Consciousness that you are. You also know that every Identity is the very same Consciousness that you are. You know there IS NO DIVISION IN OR AS THE CONSCIOUSNESS THAT YOU ARE, AND THAT YOU CANNOT CONTACT ANY OTHER CONSCIOUSNESS FOR THERE IS NO OTHER CONSCIOUSNESS FOR YOU TO CONTACT.

There Is No Time Or Space Barrier Between

Now what has take place? You have perceived the glorious omnipotent fact that anyone and everyone necessary to your employment — your fulfillment of purpose at that moment — is already present within and as the Consciousness that you are. You have realized that there is no “time” lapse in or as your awareness of this Truth. Furthermore, there is no “time” lapse or “space” lapse that can even seem to act as a barrier between you and anyone and everyone who is necessary to your completeness.

When you have contemplated in the foregoing way, you may feel that you should make a phone call, write a letter, or take a walk in a certain area. Again, you will realize that this is your Universal — as well as your specific — Consciousness knowing what it should know this moment.

You act without thought according to this prompting or impulsion and, no doubt, you will discover why you felt impelled to make the call, write the letter, or take the walk.

Watch Your Motive!

Right here, you must be very alert. If you do any of these things hoping you will “contact” someone who will be instrumental in helping you to find employment, you may be disappointed. It just doesn’t work this way. You “take no thought.” You simply act in this way because you feel impelled to act. It is well to give no consideration to that which seems to be the problem at this point.

Wonderful Things Are Happening

Wonderful things have taken place when all concern for the solution of any seeming problem is transcended. You see, once having contemplated that which is true, you know that the Truth you have perceived is evident. Therefore, you no longer are concerned about it, or with it.

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