What About Mental Causes?

Allen White God Is All

Could This The Reason Why It’s Happening To Me?

Tom J. is pinned to the mat and is about to tap out. For four years he’s been wrestling with a chronic illness, and it’s not looking good. Tom’s baffled. He’s followed all the suggestions in the books, sermons and lectures: silent prayer, forgiveness, positive thinking, etc. Nothing is working.

While rummaging through his mind, desperately searching for answers, Tom remembers reading that his condition might be related to feelings of chronic resentment and victimization. Then again, it might be those past vengeful thoughts. He’s not sure, so off he goes on a metaphysical witch-hunt searching for past thoughts that could be causing his present malady.

For hours, Tom hunted for possible offending thoughts and emotions. He went all the way back to the bullies in middle-school. The tally of all the possible suspects ran into the hundreds. Whether he was getting anywhere or not, Tom certainly wasn’t getting better. The not-so-subtle variation of this metaphysical witch-hunt is asking yourself, “What did I do to deserve this?” Put the brakes on. Turn around. Don’t go down this dark road.

Mental States For Material Maladies — Lies!

Once upon a time, an idea was promoted that diseases are caused by certain thoughts and emotional states. For example:

  • Arthritis is caused by feeling unloved.
  • Cancer is caused by long-standing resentment.
  • Constipation is caused by holding on to garbage of the past.
  • Kidney stones are caused by lumps of undissolved anger.

The list goes on and on, but this one thing is for sure, they are LIES. Don’t you believe it. God is All.

God Being All Means Disease is ___________?

All of the major metaphysical religions agree that God is the only presence and that disease is not real. Some go further to say that God doesn’t know anything about disease. Absolutists, like this blog, state more clearly that DISEASE IS NOT A PRESENCE. You already know this and are probably saying, “Duh, God being all there is, how could it be?”

Disease is nothing. Disease being a no-thing can’t be caused by anything. Nothing you’ve ever thought or said can make nothing become something.

It’s better to turn your prayerful attention to realizing what “God is All” means than to chase down the cause of phantom diseases. Reader, does it seem that you, like Tom, are pinned to the mat by some illness? Then, let me summarize the above paragraphs.

Nothing caused you to be sick now. Nothing you think, say, or do in the future will cause you to be sick. Disease is neither a presence nor a power. You do not live in a world of cause and effect. You live in and as the ISNESS OF GOD.

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