Your Self Is Not That self


One Monday, like a crazed man, I rushed from one bookstore to another trying to track down a book. Everywhere I went, I quickly scanned the shelves and dashed off to the next store. I live in Washington, DC, one of the few cities that has an Amazon bookstore. I didn’t find my book there, but what I found raised a big question.

Amazon bookstores stock popular books that sell, and what flies off the shelves are self-help books. Here are a few of the best-selling titles:

  • You Are a Badass
  • Grit – The Power of Passion and Perseverance
  • Unf*ck Yourself (real popular)
  • Make Your Bed – Little Things That Can Change Your Life

Those are the contemporary answer to classic self-help books such as:

  • How To Win Friends and Influence People
  • As A Man Thinketh
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • Think and Grow Rich

Whether self-help books have ever helped anyone is still up for debate. While glancing over these titles, this question popped up: WHO AND WHERE IS THE SELF THAT NEEDS SO MUCH HELP?

Time and time again, we’ve said God is the only Presence. This is true. Being true, it’s easy to see that God is the only Self. God being your Self is your only Self. Your Self is Life, Love, Light, Perfection, Wholeness, Intelligence, Infinity, and a whole lot more.

So, reader, where is the self that needs help? Does it seem that you are the self sorely in need of help? Don’t believe it! You are not that self, and have never been that self.

If you can sincerely say that God is the only Presence, then dare claim – right now – that you are this Presence. You are not trapped in a cage of human conditions, bound by the restrictions of fictitious material laws. You are the One Self, the Perfect Self, the Unlimited Self. Know it to be so right now!

If you are wondering what book I was looking for, it was The Perfect Pie by America’s Test Kitchen. Even pies are perfect.