Monthly Archives: June 2024

Understanding Spiritual Experiences

They Sniggered When She Said This

During a class on meditation, a woman captivated the group with her unusual spiritual experience. “I was walking down the main corridor of a mall when, all of a sudden, I found myself upside down on the ceiling of the mall.” You could hear sniggers and hushed giggles as she continued. Later, someone asked me if that was a genuine spiritual experience.

Throughout the years, people have shared stories of kitchen cabinets moving up and down the wall, purple balls flying out of their pastor’s mouth, door knobs moving around the door, and other “strange” occurrences. Were these spiritual experiences? I doubt it.

These Were Actually Spiritual Experiences

Contrast these experiences with the genuine spiritual experiences of Christ Jesus. Every miracle of Christ Jesus was, in fact, a spiritual experience. When he multiplied the loaves and fish, that was a spiritual experience. When he instantly traveled from one side of the sea to the other, that was a spiritual experience. All 37 miracles were spiritual experiences. What’s unusual about Jesus’ spiritual experiences is that they were witnessed by others – many others.

The kitchen shelves moving on the wall, the door knobs circling the door, the woman hanging upside down on the ceiling of the mall – what was the purpose of these events? I ask this question because each spiritual experience of Christ Jesus was a purposeful experience. They were not random, nonsensical events that defied explanation. Each miracle (spiritual experience) was a living demonstration of a spiritual principle. Behind every spiritual experience is a spiritual Truth that warrants the experience.

If you had the chance to witness another person’s spiritual experience, you’d think you saw a miracle. Such was the case when people witnessed the spiritual experiences of Christ. I’m sure many whispered, “Did you see that? It’s a miracle.” But was it? No! Each experience demonstrated a spiritual principle, the most natural thing in the world.

When Christ appeared to raise Lazarus from the dead, it was no miracle. The principle behind that so-called miracle is LIFE (BEING GOD) IS ETERNAL—BOTH BIRTHLESS AND DEATHLESS.

Again, when Christ multiplied the scant supply of bread and fish, it appeared miraculous, yet it was merely proof of the principle that ALL SUPPLY IS OMNIPRESENT AND EVER-PRESENT.

Free Travel Is A Spiritual Experience

My favorite “miracle” of Christ Jesus is found in John 6:19-21. “After they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea. He was coming near the boat, and they were afraid. But he said to them, ‘It is I. Don’t be afraid.'” Then they were willing to take him on board, and at once the boat was at the shore where they were heading.”

Yes, walking on the water is quite impressive, but that’s not the spiritual experience (miracle) that excites me. It’s the fact that when Christ stepped into the boat, they immediately arrived at their destination.

This is no random, inexplicable event. It demonstrates this spiritual principle: IN THE INDIVISIBLE ALLNESS OF GOD, THERE IS NO TIME OR SPACE. THERE IS ONLY HERE AND NOW. Did you know that more and more people are, even in this day and time, having this same experience? For obvious reasons, they aren’t telling too many people.

It Was Necessary, So It Happened

It’s true that most spiritual experiences are spontaneous – sometimes even surprising. You may be walking along, and suddenly your environment is flooded with light. More than surprising, it’s an enchanting and delightful experience.

In most cases of a genuine spiritual experience, there is always a need for the experience. There was a need to feed the multitude. When the disciples were rowing the boat that night, “a high wind arose, and the sea began to churn,” it was necessary for them to get to shore.

The question that is often asked is, “Allen, was this a spiritual experience?” You don’t have to ask me. Ask yourself this question: What spiritual principle is behind this experience? If you can’t answer that question, most likely, it was not a spiritual experience.

How To Have A Spiritual Experience — The Short Answer

I remember a time when people would give their left lung for a genuine spiritual experience. They prayed and waited in long silences hoping to have a spiritual experience. When that failed, their minds went into overdrive imagining events that never really happened.

You can’t force a spiritual experience; neither can you effectively pray for one. But don’t be dismayed. There is a surefire way to “have” spiritual experiences. TAKE YOUR ATTENTION OFF OF EVERYTHING THAT TROUBLES OR CONCERNS YOU AND KNOW GOD TO BE THE ONLY PRESENCE – DESPITE ALL APPEARANCES. When you do that, you will enjoy many wonderful experiences that bear witness to God’s Absolute Allness.

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