Tag Archives: Life is God

I Want To Die. Is That Okay?

Whose Life Is It?

A friend recently asked this question: “Is it ever okay to want to die?” I am going to answer that question in the next post. For now, let’s dig below the surface of this question and get to the real issue: LIFE.

Have you ever said or thought, “It’s my life, and I’ll do with it what I want?” This very statement gets to the root of life’s seeming problems. People think they have a personal life, and they spend a lifetime trying to steer this personal life toward a far-off shore of fulfillment. Along the journey, there are many ups and downs. Most unsettling is that the hoped-for shore is never reached.

The question to be asked and answered is: Whose life is it? Take this question into prayer and you will discover that God is Life. God does not give Life. God is Life. There is no Life but God. Troubles abound (or seem to) when God-Life is mis-perceived as a personal life. Once life is personalized it appears limited in every way.

Since God is Life, Life is as eternal as God. As there is no beginning to God, there is no beginning (birth) to Life. “What,” you ask, “is the life that is born?” It is a mistaken perception of Eternal Life. Here’s a question for you: Can you see a beginning or an end of God? How about Life? Don’t answer hastily. Your answer reveals whether you see Life and God as one or two.

Alive As The Life Of God

You know that your Body is alive. God being the only Life there is, with what Life is your Body alive? This is not a rhetorical question. Answer it. Will you acknowledge that God is the Life of your Body? This will do more for your health than green smoothies and hours on the treadmill.

God is Life, therefore Life is as Omnipresent as God. As God is All, Life is All. You, no doubt, have heard the saying, “There is no spot where God is not.” It’s true. But couldn’t you just as well say, “There is no spot where Life is not?” This statement is equally true. LIFE IS EVERYWHERE.

Life Depends On No Thing

As God is Infinite, Eternal, Indivisible and Omnipresent, so is Life. This post asks you many questions, and here is another: Upon what is God dependent in order to exist? Absolutely nothing! What, then, is Life dependent upon in order to be Life? I discovered the answer to this question when I seemed to be confronted with the appearance of a life-threatening situation.

Life is not dependent on a heart, brain, cell or fluid in order to be Life. Life is not dependent upon organ functions or chemical combinations in order to be Life. Don’t believe this statement because I wrote it. Take it into your silent prayer and ask your Self if this is true. The revealed answer will change your perception of Life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to some practical questions that are asked about Life:

How do I extend my life?

Life is Eternal; therefore it cannot and does not need to be extended. What you can do is realize that you have no Life other than God-Life. This must be an inner realization. Merely reading words about Life is not enough.

This is fine as theory, but how do I make it practical?

There’s only one way to move what you’ve read from fine-spun theory to a living reality. You must have a radical reboot of your concept of Life. That reboot must conform with God’s Allness. In other words, what you know about Life must match what you know about God being All.

Now it would be easy to tell you to stop doing certain things and replace them with other activities, but that’s putting the cart before the horse. Once your understanding of Life is rebooted, your actions will automatically conform.

There’s only one sure way to reboot your understanding of Life, and that’s the inner way. Be God taught. James 1:5 of the Holy Bible says, “If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God.” It’s simple. Ask God (the God that is your Being).

Allen, do you believe that someone will live forever, without seeming to die?

Yes. And I believe once someone is known to do this, it will be like Roger Bannister’s 4-minute mile. (You can google it.) Soon everyone will be doing it.

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