Tag Archives: self-love

The Complete Power of Self-Love


This excerpt is from Lillian DeWaters’ book Who Am I? The Chapter is Love.

Which Viewpoint Are You Loving From?

How long the world has sought after true love! Yet true love shall be denied until one is aware of their real Identity, and functions therein.

For a lifetime, nearly all have lived and loved from the basis that one is human. However, none can arrive at perfect love from this mistaken viewpoint. Only to the extent that one places their affections upon Perfect Love as their only Identity and Being, shall he find true thought, true love and true living.

Self-Love Is The First Love

Therefore, whom shall one love first of all, and more than all else? Thou shalt love the Lord, thy Self: for the Lord is truly one’s very Self. Without supreme and transcendent love for Oneself, how can you hope to ever entertain such love for your neighbor?

As the perfect One, the pure and perfect Consciousness, your thoughts are perfect; your desire and your love are perfect also. In fact, only as the One shall you ever be able to love perfectly and truly, and in such a way that never can there by any misunderstanding, dissatisfaction, separation or divorce.

You Either Have It Or You Don’t

Don’t look outside your Self for love, happiness or companionship. Nor consider perfect love as something you should seek to obtain in order to have and enjoy. Anything that you seek, desire,or long for is based upon the false supposition that you are without it at the present time. This misconception prevents your awareness of it.

Do you say that you know the Truth but you cannot prove it or bring it out in your experience? Is experience something other than the Truth? Is the Self one thing and experience another? Let go of the belief, “I have not proven; I am not experiencing; I cannot demonstrate,” for the knowledge, “I and my experience are one; I AM Self-contained and Self-supplying.”

Love Unconditoned and Undefiled

Love is not conditioned by nor contingent upon anyone or anything. Neither is Love some specific form of thinking, living or doing. Love cannot be put on as one would select a new garment; nor is it to be thought of as barter, exchange, bargain, or some commercial enterprise.

Love is the Undefiled and Undefilable. Love is Principle, and Principle is Love. Love is Life, and Life is Love. Verily Love is I! And I Am Love!

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