The Solution To Any Problem

The Solution To Your Problem Is A Spiritual One

There is an answer – a solution – to every problem! If you appear to be facing a problem, there is an immediate solution. No matter how big, longstanding, or overwhelming the problem seems to be, there is a solution. It is a spiritual solution.

Despite all appearances, this is a spiritual universe – chock full of the Spirit of God. Your Life is Spirit. Your Body is Spirit. All things and all people in your world are Spirit. This is a spiritual universe. That is why the solution to your seeming troubles must be a spiritual one.

Get Out Of The Mud

You know, as well as I, that this Spiritual Universe seems to be composed of matter. Yet, it is just that – a seeming. It’s not so. All of our problems are like the material world – something that seems to be but is not. The solution is not to play around in the mud of materiality trying to make better mud pies, but to get out of the mud altogether. In short, the solution to any problem is a realization of what is (Truth).

Don’t You Just Love This Quote?

I’m sure I quoted the following passage in a previous blog post, but it’s always been one of my favorites from Infinite Way founder, Joel Goldsmith:

“I do not want this problem to pass until I have seen the spiritual light that dissolves it and which, in dissolving this problem, will dissolve all the problems which may develop tomorrow or next year.”

In this short excerpt, Joel Goldsmith reveals the one approach that is guaranteed to solve your problem and ensure that you never see it again.

Here is a paraphrase of the excerpt that makes its point and purpose clearer:

What I want is a greater realization of God’s Presence revealing the nothingness of this seeming problem. I don’t just want the problem to go away. What I want is to perceive God’s Allness so clear that the seeming problem is eliminated permanently.

Read the excerpt and paraphrase one more time. What do you notice? Yes, you’re right. Both examples use the seeming problem as a redirection tactic to focus your attention on God-realization.

When you put this into practice, your attention is no longer on the problem. You’ve jumped off of the mental merry-go-round trying to solve the problem. Now, your focus is on God and nothing but God. Let’s take a look at how this is put into practice.

From Theory To Practice

Eric was in a tight corner. Unemployed, he hadn’t paid his mortgage in months. Time ran out. Eric had to come up with the money or lose his home. His mind went into spin cycle trying to come up with a human solution, but there was none.

Back against the wall, he thought to himself, “Well, I haven’t tried prayer. What do I have to lose? Now, according to Goldsmith, I’m not supposed to pray about the problem. Crazy as it sounds, I’m supposed to pray for God-realization. I’m going to try it, but I know I have to be really interested in God and not in the money. That’s the hard part.” In those first few prayers, Eric wanted money – not God. But he got there.

Now and again, his mind wanted to scurry back to the problem, but Eric was alert enough to know what his real desire was. He understood that this apparent problem was merely drawing his attention to something, and that something was a FACT OF GOD.

Forgetting all about money, Eric focused on discovering a God-fact – any God-fact. Understanding the importance of this discovery, he said to himself, “I don’t want this problem to be resolved until I discover the God-fact that will do away with this appearance once and for all.” He meant it.

Eric was guaranteed to discover this fact, and he did. His problem was resolved in a seemingly miraculous way. It’s easy to think the surprise check that came in the mail was the resolution of his problem. But, that is not true. The resolution was the discovery of the God-fact.

Again, there is a spiritual solution to every problem. Should a problem ever appear in your life, you can use Eric’s story to approach the resolution of your problem in the very same way.

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